
Im thinking its good at least, its a link to great things, also its part of safety, power, attraction, easy living, health, and so on.

Its situational also, money may be more important to someone with children for example. Depends on your creativity

Theres also a rich dpresed side to this ie money is poor at increasing mood directly or indirectly

  1. Are there any hate filled people that just burn all their money close to death? People that dont really like anyone or anything, so they make a small bonfire with all their earnings?

  2. Money has no morals, no bad, no good, no right, no wrong, it depends how you use it, like a hammer, ¿Is a hammer bad or good? A hammer can be used to build a house, but it also can be used to crush someone’s skull.

  3. Would you prefer the barter system?

    The barter system works like this, I’ll give you an example: I will give you 3 goats for that bag of wheat. But this brings up some problems..

    1) what if nobody wanted goats? That person can’t trade then.

    2) the goats can’t be stored as future assets as they’ll die.

    3) who decides how much one goat is worth?

    4) goats aren’t dividable like money. You can’t split a goat.

    Obviously it’s not all about goats, but do you see why money is important? I didn’t explain it well, but I hope you get the idea.

  4. Money is a great invention because it made trading much easier and allowed people to specialise.
    It also allowed an easy way to storage wealth without having to withhold goods from the market.
    Without money the world would be a much poorer place, literally.

  5. Money is stored labor for most people.

    That’s why retirement saving is important. Your young and healthy self is capable of working more than your older self will be.

    So you store your excess labor now so you can draw on it in the future when you aren’t physically able to do it.

  6. Money is as good, bad, pragmatic, or superfluous as the people who have it, and by extension, their actions as well.

  7. Has their ever been anyone walk like a mong but isnt a mong? So like a spasticated walk?

  8. Money is freedom.

    Having too little of it means you struggle in life. Having enough of it means you don’t really have to worry about it. Having a lot of it means you have more choices and opportunities in life then people who have less of it.

  9. You can go a lot further with love and capital than you can on love alone.

  10. Do not, my friends, become addicted to money

    For it will take hold of you and you will resent its absence

  11. Money is like air…you need it to survive, if you don’t have any it isike you can’t breath but when you have enough getting more won’t seem so important.

  12. Anyone who tells you Money is bad for you doesn’t have your best interests in mind

  13. Money makes life easier by removing any money worries, not needing to budget, being able to buy high quality items all just make life more smooth and upbeat.

    Money is useful in that it can be easily exchanged for time: hire a housekeeper, have a car that doesn’t breakdown, use a landscaping service, … money allows one to do what they want with their own time, removing many chores and mundane activities.

  14. Money is an enabler. Unfortunately, it enables you to be the person you want to be. For better or worse.

  15. Money itself is neutral but the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.

  16. Money is a tool. The ultimate tool. Nothing more nothing less. Seeing it more than it actually is, almost like a living thing (labeling it as good or bad), that’s where problems start.

  17. Money is neutral. It’s just a thing we exchange for other things.

    Greed is bad. Money isn’t greed. Money is money.

    Generosity is good. Money isn’t generosity. Money is money.

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