I met my girlfriend in a foreign country 5 months ago, on my last week of exchange semester. Despite limited time we got super close and we basically have been doing long distance for this whole time. I am getting to her country to work there for 2 months in 2 days and we both were waiting to this day so much, but the thing is she doesn’t want to have any kind of physical contact with me, even just touching, because i found out 3 days ago that i have pinworms and she tells me “she doesn’t want to risk her getting infected too”, at least till 3 weeks are gonna and she’s sure that i’m cured. For sure, i understand that, but the thing is, that i got 2 different doctor consultations and they tell me it’s impossible worms to get transmitted, unless there’s some oral-anal contact, because only that part of my body might be infectious and when i am telling her that she tells me, that still “she wouldn’t feel comfortable around me, when she knows i have that thing”. Plus, i already did the 3 day pill treatment course and all the worms should already be dead and one more detail is, that i was informed that probably i have this worms already for a year and that means that during us having our one week when we first met i had that worms and despite being really physical, it didn’t get transmitted.

I am still okay with waiting 3 more weeks and then meeting her or at first just seeing her, because i really love her and it is my fault in the first place not getting checked for that thing on time, but i still think she is overreacting a little bit and it might damage our relationship. I don’t know, maybe i am just too disappointed, because of my expectations and i am the one who is not being rational in this situation, but i really want to know how other people feel about this and how you would have reacted if you knew same thing about your partner?

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