i was talking to a guy for two months and he gave me his hoodie last weekend. today he cut it off and said it’s best if we stop talking. do i ask if he wants me to give his jacket back?

  1. Well.. he didn’t ghost you, so yes I would. Also he wasn’t petty enough to see you again just to grab the hoodie back.

  2. I think you need to ask yourself if you really care about whether or not he has his hoodie, or if you might be thinking about offering it back as a way to have *some* contact, because at this stage of a breakup any contact feels better than none.

  3. Not much details, but it sounds like the breakup was civil. You can just ask him if he wants it back.

  4. Guessing you’re somewhat young. be open to him and honest, but with that comes a realistic possibility of him saying no again. Be aware that love is a crazy thing and you can’t force it.

    I love the perspective of love in the form of a flower delicate and if you are selfish and squeeze it you may harm it. But sometimes just appreciate it and let it go for other to enjoy instead of ripping it from the ground and facing its decay.

    Don’t force it too much definitely state your interest.

  5. Well, yeah it is his. Don’t don’t something petty like burn it. If he wants to stop talking just respect his wishes, block him and move on with life.

  6. No ..just move on unless he asks for it. He’s not going to ask for it.

  7. People in this sub are fucked in the head. The sweater is his. Return it. Do you really want a big ole reminder of him in your closet?

  8. Give it back. Honestly, why keep it? You may like him, but he doesn’t like you, so why hold onto the reminder of him? You will always be reminded that you weren’t his number 1. He wasn’t your person. And so on. Mail it back? Drop off at his work? or swing by his house? Just look presentable and act like a lady- so he feels like he missed out😎😁

  9. Yes, give the man his property back. Christ.

    Don’t listen to the teens telling you if you like it you can keep it. He let you borrow it, you have to return it.

  10. Give his hoodie back it’s the right thing to do. Just text him and say “I still have your hoodie do you want it back”

  11. Similar situation with me, we ended “civil” ( I ended things because there were signs that he wasn’t into it but he was fully prepared to lead me on) we ended as friends but he never once tried to talk to me until months later asking for him things back. Which disturbed my peace. So I recommend asking sooner than later.

  12. Meh it’s their responsibility to keep track of their property. I actually think you should just leave at no contact especially since he broke up over text. If he asks for it back well you could just leave it outside his place to avoid him being near your safe space.

  13. Idk there’s two things here, and I think only you know which of those two it is

    1) if you keep the hoodie, it will keep reminding you of him everytime you see it (or are in the general area where you store that hoodie). Right before we broke up, my ex gifted me a jersey that I absolutely loved. After the breakup, I moved the shirt all the way to the back of the closet, thinking I’d start using it when I got over her, but that shirt was quite literally stopping me from it because everytime I would open the closet, I would know the shirt was there, and I’d think of her. So eventually, I just packed it up, and left it outside her door with a note appreciating the gift and explaining why I couldn’t keep it (we broke up on good terms, but I went NC with her, so I didn’t wanna see her at all lol)

    2) you could just be using it as an excuse to see him again. I don’t have experience with this, so I’m not sure what I’d do here lol

    Whatever happens good luck moving on OP :)) rootin for ya

  14. He gave her the jacket as a gift for their two month anniversary because of how they met. He was going to work in the morning, running, when he dropped his jacket and she picked it up but he left his wallet so she later on called him. That’s how they met. Unless you are her thermoreceptors then your answer is acceptable

  15. Just give him his sweater back. Tell him you have it and just tell him where you live and just put his sweater on your front porch and he can pick it up and you two won’t have to see each other. Think of it this way, if you let someone borrow your sweater, wouldn’t you want it back? Treat people as you would want to be treated.

  16. “Let me know when you want to come get your hoodie. I’ll leave it in a bag outside my front door.” Make it not require any social interaction.

  17. My ex sadly kept my fav clothes.. I never will see it again. She did ask to keep it and at the time I said okay but now I wish I didn’t. Then I saw her new bf wearing the sweater we got together it was like cool.

  18. 🚨UPDATE: this was my response “i’m sorry things didn’t work out. i would ask if you want to talk but it seems like you’ve made up your mind 🙁 would you like your hoodie back?” and this was his response “I just don’t know how to focus on you or anyone else right now I need to figure me out and be able to be comfortable for another year and just know I’ll be able to live and work I don’t know how to focus on you right now im sorry (my name). You can keep the hoodie i don’t mind. I’m not trying to say I never want to talk again though”

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