With the stigma of men having few emotions, what movies make you ball your eyes out?

  1. I’ll go first: The Blind Side, Field of Dreams, and Million Dollar Baby always seem to make the tear ducts go into overdrive.

  2. Just about any movie where someone sacrifices themselves for the greater good/others.

    Maximus in Gladiator, Tony’s death in Avengers, Bruce Willis in Armageddon, etc.

  3. Nobody saying homeward bound is making me cry …

    When shadow finally appears

  4. I’ll throw a curve ball; the rugrats movie. I’m an older brother, so that scene where Tommy about to throw the food away being absolutely fed up with Dil’s shit. That messed me up hard.

  5. I saw the new West Side Story tonight and lost it during Maria and Anita’s duet after she catches her with Tony.

  6. Saving Private Ryan
    “Tell me I’ve led a good life. Tell me I’m a good man.”
    Cry like a baby every time

  7. Rocky 1 can’t beat him speech. First Blood when Jon breaks down at the end. Not a movie but Fresh Prince why dosen’t he want me. Serenity when River is holding off the reavers. All the new disney star wars movies because they are total garbage.

  8. Not movie, but the TV show Chernobyl.

    34m, pretty much no feelings from TV whole life? Or very little?

    Was watching Chernobyl w wife and there was a part that a father was begging ppl to take his infant away from the plant when ppl were getting radiation sickness.

    Made me bawl my eyes out bc I have a 3yo daughter. Feelings suck bruh…

  9. Anytime someone sacrificed themselves idk why it makes me so sad and especially when it’s the good guy they always lose so much

  10. Titanic.
    As far as I am concern that movie is a death seen for men. All the guys die and the women get on boats. Where is the equality in that movie. The hatred of men is incredible.

  11. I cried watching the pokemon movie when I was a kid 😭 (about 5) That shid had a nxgga crying for a while

  12. Anything where an underdog goes through a lot of pain and wins or parents telling their son they’re proud of him

  13. The Expendables. That scene where Terry Crews mows down a bunch of people with his auto-shotgun always makes me tear up. Beautiful scene.

  14. I don’t watch a lot of movies, but I watch cutscenes from games like they’re a movie.
    Metal Gear Solid 3 gets me. Each. Time.

  15. Lilo and Stitch.

    The theme of no one being left behind hits home. Having been left alone and losing others I cry like a lil bitch each time and I have no idea when the movie connected to those memories but damn it I can’t get rid of the connection if I tried.

  16. Schindlers list, I remember watching it with my old man and we were both complaining that someone was cutting onions.

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