There’s this guy that I’m working with and is in a relationship. He drives me crazy to the point I don’t know if he’s flirting with me or trying to be friendly but well he does the following:

– he follows me on IG. He likes (with that option that goes into your notifications but not your DMs every selfie and “sexy” photo of me but just that. If I post a photo of a cute animal or a picture of a landscape no like from his side, a sexy photo and he likes it within minutes. He also follows 2k+ people but he watches all my stories within the first hour, usually minutes, irrespective of the hour I post.

– at work he brushes off my shoulder as he passes by he touches my shoulders when he talks to me, he smiles and looks into my eyes

I’m guilty of trying to start conversations with him by reacting to some of his stories as well (usually funny things to which I replied hahah so funny! but nothing more and it doesn’t seem like he wants to pursue any conversation…. But then he keeps doing that shit… and as time passes by he watches my stories quicker, he likes more of my content and he touches me more.

A few days ago his was at a work party with his gf. We had a brief chat about work and he was clearly not that touchy as usual but he was still smiling and happy to talk to me.
After a while I decided to shoot my chance and I DMd him around midnight “pleaseee save me and tell me you got an iPhone charger haha” to which he replied “no but flirt with one of the guys at the bar and they’ll help you haha”
I was so confused. It looked like a clear rejection to me.

What do you think? Is he flirting with me or not? It looks to me like he does but then he doesn’t pursue shit but I might just be confused

  1. What will you do if he’s attracted to you? He’s in a relationship and disrespecting his partner by doing all these things to you and if you get together with him, he’ll probably do the same to you

    But to answer your question, it sounds like he’s attracted to you… he’s a red flag though

  2. First, don’t be that girl to try to steal someone else’s guy, even if hes showing interest in you. How would you feel if you were his gf and another girl came along trying to flirt with him? Also the fact that he’s openly touching and flirting with you even though he has a gf is pretty shitty, so unless you’re looking for a casual thing that should worry you.

    Seems like he could just be a flirty person to begin with, but based on what you’ve said he also seems into you. The whole “flirt w one of the guys at the bar and they’ll help you” isn’t a clear rejection, seems like genuine advice to me.

  3. No he’s being friendly with you.

    He’s in a relationship and clearly stays there and not crossing any lines with you.

    He’s got no issues with you flirting with others as he’s encouraging you. Also he might be picking up on you flirting with him and this was his way to tell you to go elsewhere for that.

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