Hello! I’m not a very ‘social’ kind of girl but a guy in my class reached out to work with me last semester and we’ve since become good friends and know a lot about each other.
I’ve been very careful not to develop crushes and stuff too quickly but I couldn’t help but like this guy cause we like pretty much all the same stuff, he’s really sweet and attentive (he makes sure I don’t have asthma issues, checks on me when I’m not feeling well, and offers to help me with projects and stuff without me asking), we’ve exchanged small gifts before, we hang out alone at school a lot, and he contacts me first which is helpful for me because I have anxiety and don’t typically contact people often because I’m nervous I’ll bother them.

The thing is that I’d asked him to come with me to hang out somewhere and he has very protective parents so he wants to bring another girl with us. I never specified that I meant a date but I think maybe I should have?
He’s the only guy in our class so I guess he has a lot of female friends and he’s fairly social but I’m nervous that he either likes her instead or that he just didn’t want to hurt my feelings or something

I was wondering if it would be easier to just tell him I like him so I stop worrying and know for sure…?

I told him that I usually tell guys I like them through letters (writing is easier for me and letters are a good mix of in-person and in-writing) because it came up in conversation and he said it’s a nice way to do something like that. I was thinking of giving him a letter next week… though when he sees it he’d probably immediately know what it was before even opening it.

Any advice is very much appreciated, thank you so much ♡

  1. >The thing is that I’d asked him to come with me to hang out somewhere and he has very protective parents so he wants to bring another girl with us.

    Ah, yes, the chaperone conundrum (in reverse?).

    I’d flat out ask: why does she have to come? Are you afraid I’d have my way with you? [yes, you ought to have used the word ‘date’, somewhere, as in “I’d like to try a date, let’s go out to……”]

    A letter sounds nice — a clever letter might simply have a folded piece of paper inside saying something like: “You already know what I want to say, don’t you?”

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