Bit of a funny one, but does anyone remember a tv show circa 2000’s, centred about remodelling houses to include the kids idea’s. Seem to remember one episode where a model train brought the family dinner from kitchen to living room, and other featuring a “hidden” kids gaming room/den with a secret tunnel. All I can remember.

Just been driving me up the wall, doesn’t massively matter if anyone knows. Just nostalgia. Thanks!

  1. Home on their own.

    Someone turned their bathroom into a jungle

    Another had the side of their house painted like a Newcastle football shirt

  2. I watched a clue of episodes of this with the kids during lockdown. It’s unbelievable – the parents actually let the kids make structural alterations to their homes. I watched one that the kids build a “secret” room accessed.via tunnels in their room, and a chute in the kitchen to feed their unwanted greens to their dogs! And another where they redid the entire outside of the house in a Hollywood theme

  3. I remember the episode where the kids turned their posh mum’s kitchen into a bright black white and red diner atrocity. It was painful to watch. The mum was angry and the kids were upset when the reality hit in. Obviously they were encouraged by the producers. Awful everything.

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