What are some of the good and bad qualities you like and dislike about the current podcasts you are listening to?

  1. I listen to true crime stuff

    Good: they keep me entertained. The stuff they cover is interesting. Sometimes the hosts are funny and have good chemistry. My favorite is “and that’s why we drink.”

    Bad: sometimes I find the hosts annoying. Idk if you want me to name the podcasts lol but sometimes I find the hosts very unfunny when they’re tryna be funny and the way they talk is needlessly dramatic and annoying. Also sometimes they say things like “we know you can’t really judge how people sound on 911 calls/can’t analyze body language/can’t trust polygraphs, but for this case you totally can.” I hate when they don’t do trigger warning for sexual assault stuff, which I brought up on r/truecrimepodcasts and people got sooo mad at me cause how dare I want something so simple as a quick warning.

  2. I listen to the “They walk among us” UK true crime podcast. I like it in that it’s a bit less sensationalist and dramatic than some others. And the presenter doesn’t insert any of his own personality into it – no comments, opinions jokes etc, just fairly straightforward telling of the facts. I don’t like his voice though (I feel so mean saying that!) and he speaks so slowly it does my head in.

  3. True crime. It’s great too know lots of things like how people lead other people away, How to lie, great ways to hide anything. But I don’t like walking alone when I’m listening to it.

  4. I don’t like podcasts where the host banter is too much – I’ve tried so hard to like some shows (like Last Podcast on the Left and Behind the Bastards) where I find the subject matter super interesting but the hosts just ruin it for me. Like half the show is them laughing at their own inside jokes. Blech.

    I like podcasts that make the story or topic the center of attention, not the host. My personal favorites are Malicious Life and Darknet Diaries. I guess more like short audiobooks.

  5. I listen to American History Tellers. I like everything about it except the commercials and the fact that it repeats stuff or skips some content

  6. Like: This Podcast Will Kill You (science podcast about diseases) does all their ads at the top so you don’t have to keep skipping through them every 10 minutes. The hosts never talk over each other or get too off topic. They’re inclusive of all genders, sexualities, and races. They have content warnings for triggering/disturbing details that include how far ahead you need to skip to avoid it. They list their sources at the end of each episode as well as on their website.

    Dislike: “Bonus” episodes that provide no additional content of value. Most of the podcasts I follow have weekly bonus episodes that are just 20 minutes of the hosts replying to emails and shooting the shit about nothing. (TPWKY is the exception bc their bonus episodes have been just as informative and entertaining as their regular episodes.)

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