Hi, I’m new in the reddit, so sorry if I’m posting a bit wrong.
Okay so first of all, I’m 29 y/o and my partner is 30
he has a mommy / breastfeeding kink. And has been telling me for years that he wants to try milking. Also He is hypersexual like he wants sex everyday.

Me on the contrary, I like sex yes, but not like always, I have PCOS so my hormones are usually low, on top of all I’m on the way of getting a diagnostic for autism. (which would explain why it is so difficult for me to be on the control of the situation)

So, after all that context, here is what I need help with.

This morning he told me he was feeling frustrated with our relationship due to lack of sex. last month we increased the amount of sex but he says its not enough. And that he wants to try his fantasies but is tired of me always saying no.

I don’t know how to act during sex, really, I need a set of instructions or something because I just don’t know :’c

my questions are:

-What phrases can I say to be more like a mommy ?
-how do I start intercourse with a mommy like tone ?
-How can I rise my sexual desire. Like to always want sex like him?
– How can I start the breastfeeding stuff?

help :c

  1. i’ve been in a couple of relationships with sub boys who liked the same, so have him refer to you as mommy, in bed and out of bed, you can call him your good boy, bad boy, etc. ask him if he’s eaten, maybe give him some rules or something? bedtime?

    but really don’t push yourself just because he’s hyper sexual and only do what you’re comfortable with! message me if u want some ideas

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