[ UPDATE – Our date went well, 4pm to 1230am, with so much topics discussed, laughter shared, and opinions agreed. We decided to call it a night and set our next date next week. ]

After weeks of exchanging messages, we finally decided to meet today. This is my first time and I badly need guidance on the dos-and-donts of this stuff.

What cues I need to watch for? How long should the date last? How do I start the conversation? What was your experience on this online-turned-face-to-face dating progression?

  1. 1. Have a good hygiene.
    2. Dress well.
    3. Show up on time.
    4. Greet your date with a hug.
    5. Start your conversation with how are you doing? And ask questions, listen and know about your date.
    6. Be friendly with your date, compliment her/him and smile often.

  2. Don’t look out for cues! Just be a human and pick up on social cues that normal humans do. Don’t overthink

    Date lasts however long the date lasts. Unless they ask, just go with the flow. Because best case scenario you end up spending more time than initially planned or worst case you have to spend more time than you want. So no set end unless they ask then just say like 2 hours after the meet up time

    Convo can be hard to start. If there’s natural chemistry that helps but a good thing to talk about is your day, friends, family etc. it doesn’t need to be smooth just be friendly and let the other person speak. So ask questions

    I recently went on a date with a girl I matched with on bumble after a few weeks of texting and things went great! We hung out the next three days in a row and she’s already met my friends after a week of talking. I’ve also had bad experiences where the girl went on tinder half way through the date and then asked for a ride home.

    Don’t get your expectations high, just be your weird human self and hope they get along with you because ideally they’ll be spending a lot of time with you.

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