if i withdraw money at a atm with my card and i have the mobile banking app will it show up on there? and will it show the date i withdrew the money.

will it? im generally wondering if this will happen, can someone let me know please. Low karma

  1. Time no, date yes. But the time is available if enquired.

    Best give your parents their card back.

  2. It will definitely show the date on your list of transactions in the app.

    Might not show the time of day.

  3. It’ll definitely show the date, maybe as the following Monday if you use the atm over the weekend. Some apps will show the time and exact location too, depends on the bank, but NatWest isn’t one of them. The ATM provider is irrelevant.

  4. I feel like I see this question every so often on here. Sounds super sus lol

  5. My experience with NatWest and Monzo, both of which I have accounts with, is that I get a push notification in the app before the machine has even given me the card and money.

    Shows date and time on my statements too if I click the transaction.

  6. You asked this two weeks ago. Have they not noticed their card gone yet?

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