I’ve been having sex with this guy for almost a year. I know people tend to use fuck buddy and FWB interchangeably so to be clear, we’re definitely more fuck buddy. We don’t talk much outside of making plans, we do a little small talk when we first see one another but it’s mostly just show up, have sex and leave.

I’ve decided I’m not cut out for that. It was ok at first, but I’d much rather be actual FWB and have the friend part. I’d like to hang out some in addition to having sex.

He’s done and said a few things that makes me wonder if he’d prefer that too, but I’m not certain. I’m well aware that he may not and I’m prepared to end things if it turns out we don’t want the same thing.

I’m just at a loss for what exactly to say. I’ll be bummed if we have to end it, but I don’t want to come across like its an angry ultimatum or like he’s bad if he doesn’t want that. Has anyone had that talk, or had someone ask for this? I’m open to suggestions.

  1. I’d just suggest an activity. “Hey, wanna grab dinner before/after?” See if he’s actually interested in doing something as friends.

  2. (51F) My $0.02: While together, ask to have a short but adult conversation and that may help get it started. I actually did this earlier today. Communication isn’t as hard once the words come. And many times, it’s best in person because facial expressions help understand how the other is feeling. Start with a short but “to the point” sentence, then wait for his response…

    Best of luck Hun❣️

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