Men of Reddit, how do you deal with the fact that our Education System is failing us?

  1. It’s meant to. That’s how powerful people stay in power, so I just slave away. I mean work away.

  2. I’m glad my “smartness” was enough to carry me through. It’s going to be at a few years (at least) before anyone with power is willing to have that conversation.

  3. I realize there is no such thing as “our” education system, unless you live in the same US city as me.
    There are lots of education systems in the world. Just my little US state has about 600 separate districts, and each district has their own process for selecting and developing curriculum.

    I participate. I attend a few school board meetings each year. I’m familiar with the school board representatives who want to get elected.

  4. Idk, it’s primary function is just publicly funded daycare and it mostly accomplishes that just fine.

    The people that shaped my education, attitudes, character, etc… were my parents. Not always quite how they meant to, but it still happened at home. I’m doing my best to do the same for my kids. I don’t expect teachers handling overstuffed classes and admins with piles of problems and little legitimate power to do anything about that.

    Given the…uh …activism of certain groups in my state I am especially pessimistic about that outlook so I’m just not planning to rely on it much.

  5. I was kicked out/dropped out of high school three times. Then I got my GED. No one ever asked to see it. I don’t think even think I have a copy of it anymore?

    When my peers graduated – I decided to follow the Grateful Dead and sell acid.

    I was evicted out of several places before I wound up homeless for a bit.

    Flash forward 25 years

    I have spent the past 12 years with a six figure income doing information security for a major bank.

    Don’t have a college degree…still can’t find that old GED. But I do have a CRISC, CISA, CISSP and working on a CISM

    Fuck the system….the only person you can lean on is yourself!

    Opportunity awaits for those with the resolve and tenacity to go after it

    If a burnout asshole like myself can make something of his life, anyone can

  6. It’s all test based now, everything is based off standards that teachers have to meet, every move is scrutinized. When I was a kid, late 70’s early 80’s, teachers worked their passions into lessons, they genuinely cared and taught as such. Teachers now care, but are handcuffed by administrations and school board decisions.

  7. I don’t care anymore, I’m old enough I avoided the worst of it.

    The western world is fucking itself over and frankly deserves what is coming. Everyone is broken and divided, you have the individual genders collectively trying to fuck each other over. The right and left at each others throats and no one wants to just let anyone else just live own their lives the way they want anymore. We are all basically riding the tail end of our post WW2 legacy status at this point.

    Countries like China don’t have issues with the gender politics or polarized right and left politics. They just want to collectively make it to the top of the food chain globally and they will because they are unified.

  8. In what regard?

    We all have access the Khan Academy and resources which our parents and grandparents never could’ve dreamed of.

    If you’re referring to lab access, that could be a problem.

  9. I learn what I can from other sources. The information exists, you just need to look for it.

  10. Understand that it’s your responsibility to educate yourself and your kids. It’s a vital part of life. Relying on the government to do things properly or without corruption is waiting for a train that isn’t coming.

  11. Its real simple how to deal with it. All you have to do is realize that School and Learning, are NOT mutually exclusive to each other. Knowledge Is Power! Learn anything & every thing you want to know in any way you can!

  12. If you’re referring to the USA, I’ve come to hiring many technical people from other nations as they’re so much more adept at STEM topics on average.

  13. More than a little irritated. I’m studying for the GRE, and I’ve come to realize that we do dick for teaching Critical Thinking. Prayers and good vibes that I get the scores I need >.<

  14. I’m not in school anymore, and I have no kids, so it doesn’t bother me thaat much… but knowing younger generations are being screwed over is a bit annoying. I just hope I’m dead before the fallout becomes much more evident.

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