I’m 26 (f) and recently moved from LA to NYC to work in finance after completing my masters. Anyway, I work 100% from home and have found it really hard to meet new people. I’ve mostly met people through Tinder/Bumble but have not really created any strong friends or groups.

So… I met this guy about 4 months ago on Tinder and the sex is sooooo freaking good; like I’ve never had before. We’ve never said we’re official, we just see each other 2-3 time a week to go out for “dates” and have sex. It’s wild lol… The thing is, our views don’t really align and I don’t see anything long term. Ive mostly been just enjoying the sex. I’ve been going on dates with some other guys but the sex just isn’t the same.

But… I’m starting to really like this new guy (been on 7 dates) and I have a feeling he’s going to ask for us to be official soon but he’s not that great in bed… what do I do if he asks? I feel like he’s my emotional boyfriend but I still need the sex from the other guy LOL

Should I just be upfront that I’m only looking for like dating/sex and not relationships?

(New account b/c some friends know mine lol)

  1. Well, it’s simple. Decide which one do you prefer: amazing sex with no relationship potential; or good relationship potential with less-than-great sex. Or are you not looking for relationship at all and just want to hookup? Once you decide – prioritize accordingly. Nobody here can tell you which is the right decision for you – you have to figure that out on your own.

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