Me and my gf are arguing. I say a cup of tea, she says a pint.

Who is right/are we both wrong?

  1. I’d be more inclined to have a pint than a cuppa with a chippy, but I’d rather have pop

  2. Growing up chippy tea day was Thursday cos that’s the day my dad got paid.
    Two lightly battered fish and chips and two jumbo sausage and chips. Happy days.

  3. Currently drinking Muscadet but no fish and chips.

    Need to remedy that situation as it appears I have messed up my priorities somewhat.

    Edit: cod and chips ordered. You know your local chippy is posh when you can order champagne with it.

  4. Champagne .

    Well tea actually but my dad used to treat my mother to fish and chips and a bottle of champagne once a month when they were first married, Once a year my wife and I do the same in his memory.

  5. Hot drink with a hot meal never felt right to me, even with a cooked breakfast, tea and coffee needs to be separate

  6. This is gunna sound really poncy, but if you’ve not tried it before, pick up a bottle of sparkling white wine/cava etc. to go with your fish and chips. It’s an amazing combo.

  7. We drink a hearty glass of milk.

    I know I’m going to get reprimanded for this but it’s refreshing when eating something of high salt.

  8. Who’s buying fish and chips in 2021?

    Hope you’re ready to remortgage the house when they tell you the price of cod.

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