Around the start of 2020 pandemic, lockdowns started to happen. Around that time was also when I started to get burned out from school, and the burn out affecting me

Around that time too, I started to get tired with daily online chatting. Back then, every day I have like two friend group chats, two chat friends, and 2-3 casual chat mates who I chat with every few days

Maybe the burn out with school caused me to start getting tired of chatting, to the point I barely go online, and only go back online every few months then disappear again.

So yeah. I’m trying to get back to chatting with my friends, I get realy bad anxiety whenever I try to chat with my friends again. But when they invite me to hang out physically, I force myself to go and I’m fine. It’s just, online chatting drains me so much

I can go a few days or a few weeks of chatting daily, but then I get tired again and just, want to stop chatting

I hate it because ever since the pandemic, my relationships with my friends soured and we became distant… I just hate how every time I chat online, my social battery drains so fast.

What can I do? What do you think my problem is?

1 comment
  1. Constant and frequent chatting online is a non requirement to have friends or to be a good friend to someone. Maybe you are a little bit more of an old-school person who likes to deal with people one on one and face to face when you’re talking to them. That is great and absolutely nothing wrong with it. I don’t think you have a problem – I just think you’re being authentic to yourself. Switch the online chatting maybe to a direct text with a friend… Maybe you’re more comfortable with that – not everything you say or do needs to be available for public consumption.

    Social media is draining, especially for introverts. You don’t have to be more active if you don’t want to. You can tell your friends you are trying a challenge where you stay off social media for a week, a month – whatever you want! That might give you a chance to breathe without looking unsocial. It doesn’t mean you’re dropping the friends – just try a different way like some texting to break the ice again and maybe even an old fashion phone call lol.…

    idk why but I’m in that same position you describe all the time: I need to force myself to hang out but I usually have fun And I’m glad I went. I’m naturally a little bit introverted so the pandemic made me notice that unlike a lot of people I didn’t have a problem with a lot of alone time (at times I thought it was great!) so getting back to being more social has been hard for me too.

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