I’m (27F) currently in a serious relationship with my boyfriend (35M). We’ve been dating for 6 months, and this is the first relationship where I thought we could really share a life together.

But there’s one big problem: I never want to have sex.

I’ve only had sex a handful of times before I met him, all with different men. I never enjoyed myself or orgasmed. Every time, I’d think how I’d much rather go out for a slice of pizza than have sex.

So I figured that I just had to settle down, and practice with one person that I felt comfortable with. So that’s what we’ve been doing, multiple times a week for the past six months.

He can now make me orgasm half the time. But overall, I still don’t enjoy it. It feels like a chore. I love when we can get it out of the way before dinner or a movie, because that means I can cuddle and enjoy the quality time with him without the pressure of it having to end in sex.

My boyfriend does everything right. He’s respectful, doesn’t pressure me, I feel safe to say no (though I’ve never done that), and he focuses on my pleasure.

Here’s the most confusing part:

I’m horny, like all the time, when I’m not with him. I masturbate every single night before going to sleep, and it’s better than sex has ever been. Sex is like 10% pleasure and masturbation usually comes around 90-100%.

And I get sexual desires for people. I can look at a photo of a person, celebrity or real, and be like “wow I’m turned on and want to have sex with this person”.

But when there’s a real person in front of me, none of these feelings happen. Even when I’ve had intense crushes, I’d only fantasize about them at night. If they’re standing next to me, I don’t feel horny at all.

I really want sex to be good, and I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m not asking for relationship advice, but hoping that maybe someone can either relate or explain what might be going on with me.

TL;DR: I masturbate all the time and feel a normal amount of sexual attraction and desire for people. But I hate actually having sex.

  1. Definitely a mental issue. Talk with him. Try therapy. Try interesting things like blindfolds or paddles or rope or orgasm control.

  2. The problem is you are to in your head.

    Most of the pleasure in sex is giving the other person pleasure.

    I’m a guy and for me I want sex more than I enjoy sex.
    It is what it is.

  3. I kind of have the same issue too. What I found was that I liked the intimacy and foreplay a whole lot more than I actually liked just sex, even when it felt good. Try speaking to your boyfriend and see if you guys can try spending a more time foreplaying. The reason why I liked masturbating more than sex was because of the time I had just to myself, and no one else that I had to please because it gave me anxiety.

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