we’ve been together for over two years and whenever we have sex he tells me what to do and i don’t have any say in what happens. i usually give him a BJ and get nothing in return. he always cums and i rarely do. i’ve tried talking to him about it so many times and he just gets annoyed.

  1. If I may, it seems like your relationship is one-sided. Both in the relationship should be getting an equal piece. Sorry to hear that you’re not getting treated well

  2. why do you like this guy?

    sex isn’t everything in a relationship, but it’s at least a good 40% of it, so unless he almost worships you in everything else, I wouldn’t consider him worth your time

  3. At 18, I was also kind of a dummy. You’ve tried to discuss, and that’s extremely mature of you. You can keep trying, or move on. You’ll be able to find someone who absolutely loves to give you wnat you want. (and what you want is very normal)

  4. That’s very selfish, a girls orgasm should be more important than a guys one if you asked me….

  5. Just tell him politely and have a discussion about what gets you off. He’ll probably be thrilled to do what you need he just needs to hear it

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