Basically the title, made some dumb mistakes as kid and have unfortunately ruin my smile until I get new set of teeth. Not sure if I’d turn more people away if I show teeth. Really overthinking this tbh.

  1. My teeth are a bit crooked on one side. I’m pretty self conscious about it so I adjusted my smile a bit so its less obvious.

    Do what you can to minimize it but it helps nothing to be self conscious about it.

  2. Show your teeth. Some people won’t care – the ones that do will swipe left. The key is you won’t be matching with people who are just going to end up ghosting you when they DO see them or wasting time and money on them only for them to “not feel a connection”.

    The point isn’t to match with as many people as possible; the point is to match with the ones that are right for you. “Flaws” and all.

    I’m covered in tattoos. Some men are into it, others are repulsed by them. I make sure to have at least one photo showing my bare arms. Anyone not into tattoos will swipe left and save us both time.

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