Hi guys,
So my boyfriend (ldr) ghosted me and won’t reply to any of my texts or calls after just one disagreement. The relationship is fairly new and the topic was about gun law (his from USA). So his all pro guns and I’m not. So basically, the discussion went back and forth (heating up pretty quickly). And then he said that if I can’t accept the fact that he uses hunting guns, then he’d most likely re consider our relationship. And left during our mid conversation. I’ve been trying to get in touch with him to see where we stand(since he left without letting me know) but he won’t reply or answer my calls. I can see that he did read my texts and didn’t block me, but at this point, I just want to know if our relation is over, and his not being responsive.

Tl; dr do I just move on?

Update: after a few texts sent to him( to see whats up), he responded (super cold and distant ) to one saying his not ghosting and just busy. I sent more but he never replied to more ever since. I know his lying, that’s not how he is. but why not tell me what’s happening? And why not block me? I’m so confused.

  1. He may be the one who ghosted you. But believe me when i tell you this, you are the one who will benefit from this. He sounds like a child who cannot handle a difference in opinion from his own, and you really don’t want that in your life.

  2. It’s pretty obvious where you stand: he told you that he doesn’t want to date someone who disagrees with his gun use, and now he won’t respond. Why would you want to date someone who is pro gun anyway?

  3. Let him go.

    Don’t allow a man to show you more than once that he doesn’t want you

    He actually done you a favour. Let the trash take itself out.

    If he would ghost his girlfriend over a disagreement about gun law, he’s too close minded and immature for a relationship anyway

  4. Nice he did you a favor lol. I can’t think of anything more childish than walking out mid conversation and ghosting??? Also I wouldn’t call him your boyfriend anymore.

  5. You’re better off. Being from the USA I can tell you that people with those gun law thoughts come with a personality package that you’re gonna be on here weekly complaining about.

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