Basically the title.

  1. People from MyCountry are allowed to be obnoxious the other 364 days. Let us have the one.

  2. Annoying and unfounded assumptions with a sprinkle of condescension about the US on every other day

  3. i get what you did there, also, I mean, cmon, we gotta let off steam from all the dumb stuff that gets posted sometimes lol

  4. It is one day for revenge for r/shitwemakeupthatAmericanssaysowecanmockusforpretendingtobeAmerican, and feel superior

  5. Yeah this is my first April 1 in this sub and I lost a little karma for not getting the joke

  6. Some people take it too seriously, when we’re all just really here to procreate from doing actual work and have fun.

  7. Seams like people are blowing off steam from responding to condescending morons the rest of the year.

  8. Aaww damn I fell for the joke! I was like, who says “MyCountry” blatantly like that? Haha!!

  9. Because people ask questions like, “Americans, why is this sub so obnoxious on April 1st?”

  10. I answered some questions honestly trying to diffuse some anger and thought “omg, what did we do now?”

    A nice person suggested I check the date and it clicked. I have a good sense of humor and just laughed but for a minute I thought wth is going on today?

    Well done

  11. Half of America dreads April 1st. Because of all the shits and giggles the other half gets up to! It is a fine American tradition, just like how we stole Halloween from the Irish and made it more awesome.

  12. Because for whatever reason an inordinate amount of Americans seem to actually enjoy this cesspool of a “holiday.”

    I thought April Fools was fun when I was a kid, but idk if it was the advent of the Internet, or if I just grew up, but I just hate it now. IDK what I hate more, the obviously fake “announcements” for future tech/projects/renaming schemes from corporations, or the dumpster fire a lot of subreddits turn into.

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