I guess the title says it all. Been married 8 years and they only wore it for the first year and a half. I’ve asked if they could wear it for special occasions, and they refuse.

So I guess I just wanted to ask if anyone on here has had this issue and if there’s any way I can bring this up to my partner without starting an argument.

  1. My husband very rarely wears his, but he hates any/all jewelry. I’ve rarely had mine off in our 29 years of marriage.

    He does wear it when I ask him to, for occasions and events, but it annoys both of us. Him because it’s there and me because he fidgets with it the entire time. I usually hold my hand out a few hours in, he gives it to me, and I put it in my wallet.

    He does better with the silicone ones because it’s not as wide or heavy as the diamond/gold band we originally got married with.

    It doesn’t particularly bother me because he can’t tolerate watches either. He just hates how it feels. Since he does wear it when I ask him, it’s not an issue.

  2. My dad hasn’t worn his ring for as long as I can remember. I asked him about it once and he said he just doesn’t like jewelry. They ‘ve been married over 50 years and things seem to be going well. I wear mine all the time. I’m not even sure if it would come off over my knuckle. Been several years since I’ve had it off my finger.

  3. I was going to say that this is no big deal, but with the cheating as well it is a bit of a red flag.

    I stopped wearing my ring when I started working in the trades, and wanted to keep my finger. Later I got fat and it didn’t fit for a while. But the cheating does change things.

  4. A ring could be about discomfort and fit, it could be about him working with his hands a lot like in construction, it could be he doesn’t like the feeling and it gets in his way. It could be because he doesn’t want to present himself as being in a committed relationship. Asking random internet folks about it won’t really help you. These are things you need to confront him with.

  5. Ive only ever wore my wedding ring on our wedding day, BUT i dont wear any jewellery or even a watch, just never have dont like it etc.

    Wife is totally fine with it, just means I spend my accessory money on buying her more haha!

    Im trying to say I have a reason, does your husband as well? I dont see them as being a big deal, I dont have to wear a ring for my wife to know im hers and shes mine etc.

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