What would you not wish even on your worst enemy?

  1. Borderline personality disorder

    I have not felt like myself (or a real person for that matter) the past five years, I constantly run away from friendships that used to sustain me, I make terribly impulsive decisions (quitting jobs, random hook-ups, substance abuse) that’s damaging, and I walk on egg shells with myself and my emotions every waking minute.

    It is soul-crushing, but at least I know I can get through every day, as I’ve done it for so long already and I survived. And the cheering squad of true friends and family I still have makes it all worth it

  2. Guy here, but not being physically able to have kids if they really wanted to. Just seen too many couples struggle to have a kid and it’s always heartbreaking.

  3. Having the person you love the most cheat. It’s soul crushing and takes a lot to find yourself

  4. Cancer. Nobody deserves the pain, suffering, uncertainty, financial ruin, and all of the other bullshit that goes along with it, all at once.

    I’ll just wish bedbugs on them. Constant annoyance that comes with no sympathy whatsoever. Enjoy, motherfucker.

  5. Getting killed, even if I don’t like someone it doesn’t mean they deserve to die.

  6. To desperately poor their heart out to someone they love but that person leaves them on read and abandons them at their worst

  7. I often say I wouldn’t wish cancer on my worst enemy. I watched two people die from it. Its drawn out, miserable and there is no quality of life. At the end it is absolutely terrible.

  8. My ex husband strangled and raped me, participated in parental alienation, and still makes attempts at that even though our daughters are adults now and not stupid enough to fall for it. There isn’t anything I would not wish on him.

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