how you deal with anger?

  1. Logic and thought. Not always the most fun way, nor is it 100% effective, but honestly, what is?. In those rare cases, usually an outlet of some kind (boxing, working out, screaming into a pillow or inside your car). To each their own. Find what works for you

  2. Walk away and calm down. Then think about what you are going to say….

    Be clear and consise. Straight to the point. Listen to what (one person says) and don’t talk.

  3. Use anger. Don’t deal with it. Anger is an emotion that gets things done. If you find yourself going there make sure it’s productive. Just don’t let it make you put yourself in a spot.

  4. Not well I just repress it till it’s taken out on my body or something else.

  5. There are short-term fixes like a workout or an adrenaline rush. The longer term fixes have to deal with increasing your emotional intelligence especially empathy.

    Are you angry at the same person or people all the time or does anything set you off?

  6. Channel the energy through the body. It is only energy. Anger is a name. Then use it for action. The actions can be kind. As it’s just energy in reality.

  7. I can have a volcanic temper.

    So when I start feeling frustration creeping towards that ugly Hulk-mode state of mind. I stop whatever it is I am doing and I visualize a fish tank of water that is sloshing around wildly and I focus on slowing the motion and calming the water until it is perfectly still and serene. Breathe deeply – and resume whatever it is I was doing.

    If I have to do that 5-6x I will – going Krakatoa has never been productive.

    Self-mastery is a skill and an art all humans need to strive for

  8. I don’t have a lot of anger inside me but I have a bad temper so If things go wrong people in the next village can hear me. I go in Basil Fawlty mode for 5-10 minutes and after that everything is ok.
    I haven’t been really angry with people for about 25 years but I remember that listening to Pantera calmed me down in a way

  9. 1. Do something else
    2. Forget about it
    3. Overthink it and regret 10 years later

  10. recognize it’s toxicity and destructiveness then deny it’s ability to be a part of my life

  11. Whenever i feel the anger building, i close my eyes, breathe in and out for 10 secs, and imagine my Sisters kids standing next to me. I don’t want to to be “The Angry Uncle” infront of them. That has a 100% succsess rate.

  12. Hold it in till I blow up. I know that’s not good but music can only do so much.

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