So long story short I am 27(M) currently living in Japan , I had this girl (lets name her girl A ,25) that I knew for 5 years already , we went on a couple dates there were cues as she didn’t dislike going out with me (like making time to meet up with me , whenever I invited her with out previous notice, sharing drinks, smoking same cigarette ,holding her face , playing with her hair etc….), so I went a head and asked her to be my gf (pretty common in Japan ), she told me that she needed time to think about it , but I was going back to my prefecture the next day so I wanted to know and told her that I was interested on her only as a gf and that it will be only fair to let me know before I went to another prefecture . so she said that she wasn’t looking to make a bf or date right now (she repeated right now like 3 times ). I said ok , I told her that Ill take that as a NO (not a big deal ), what confuses me is that she texts me right after I go in the train telling me “take care on your way home”, for which I said “yes, you to”, nothing weird there just common curtesy , but then she proceeds to explain how our date was great and that she had a nice time talking to me today and other stuff … for which I think to my self “why are u still talking to me lmao “, then I just answered ,”sure, lets talk any other time(but be aware that I am interested in you in a romantic way)” , for which she replays “Thank you”. And that is pretty much it . Now I have this other girl (B,21) who is really enthusiastic on going out with me and I do really want to give it a chance , but I am pretty confused as if I should wait for girl A to say something or just move on with girl B?, it is only been 6 days . I don’t want to get into a situation were I need to explain my self to girl A if I started dating girl B…..

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