I (M21) used to date this girl (F20) in 11th grade (i live in Germany). We met a couple of times, made out like teenagers and even had our first ever sexual experience together (we didnt have sex tho). We both started catching feelings for each other. She could‘ve been my first girlfriend but i made a really dumb decision and ghosted her.
Now, 5years later we started talking again. Sometimes we go out together, play pool and stuff like that. This weekend we went to a friends party and when everybody else was inside, we went outside and made out. It had the same energy as at the time we dated. She told me that she doesnt want anyhing serious tho, since shes going to move out into a city which is about 90km (55miles) away. Stupid as i am, i told her that i also just wanna have fun eventhough i dont. I really want a relationship with her.

Is that just an excuse or do you think that it is a valid reason to not hook up? In my opinion 90km is not even that far.
How do i get her to like me back?

  1. It’s a pretty valid reason to not want a relationship. Whilst it’s not a horrific distance, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to see each other often. That can be upsetting and a lot of people try to avoid that situation where they can. You can’t push someone into a relationship.

  2. Any reason she or anyone else has for not hooking up is a valid reason. As for the rest, just tell her you like her and would be interested in dating her even though she’s moving. See what she says.

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