Individuals who take care of the very rich; What things have you seen?

  1. Well not quite the same thing but I work at a very high end apartment complex. People in the penthouses are all nuts. Had to evict this lady and her kids for too much noise. She was a psycho and also just an idiot. Her, (or likely her young children using her ipad) still order food and packages to my building all the time, months after being evicted. Free food for me lol.

  2. I saw a billionaire widow absolutely lose her shit and have a full meltdown complete with banshee wailing over politely being told “I don’t have time for this” over a faucet problem for an outdoor shower that had been ongoing for 5~ years, bought some fancy shit that was discontinued and a piece broke that couldn’t be replaced.

    What a miserable cunt

  3. I work at an architecture firm where we design houses for the top few of my country. I’ve seen and designed kitchens 2.5 the size of my whole appartment. I’ve seen cars worth of houses. I’ve been giving Christmas gifts (like cheese and beer platters) worth of double my weekly groceries spending. People spending up to €150K to my boss, just to throw the plan in the bin and start all over. Like it’s just a glass of water.

  4. They’re some of the best people I know. I’m a “small fish” vendor to a lot of these guys and they’ve all treated me exceptionally well steering me around obstacles and pulling me up higher as we all make more money together.

    Many rich people are awesome. Especially if you help them keep making money. You can live a very comfortable life helping rich people in their industry.

  5. One of my good friend used to work for a small (4 people) accounting company who managed one very rich family’s finances. He said their monthly spending was about 250k and most frequent spender was the daughter who mostly bought clothes. He never met the kids, but to him the couple were very nice and generous.

  6. I’ve worked at a private hospital where one of our patients was a rich widower that owned many buildings in my city.

    Her daughters threatened to kill staff in the ICU because they said that their 375 lbs mother was obese and needed a special bed.

  7. I used to build wine rooms for rich/wannabe rich people in California. The main thing I discovered is that the older/“self made” ones (70+ years old) business was on a handshake. The younger ones who were born into it haggle for everything.

    The religious ones? Get everything in writing. Everything!

    One of the geezers gave me a bottle of wine as a thank you. I remember drinking it and it tasted really good so I looked it up. 489 a bottle lol.

  8. I work for a company that cleans high end vacations homes that rent for $10,000-$50,000 per month…

    The amount of giant horse sized dildos we find is astonishing. Always just suction cupped to the shower, hanging there ominously.

  9. Used to wait tables when I was 18-20. This one dude would come in prob around 11 or 12 in morning/afternoon and just start drinking. People would come in and join him at this massive table of his, eat food, get several drinks before leaving and someone else would come along and take their seat and do the same. A good 30 people would prob come through his table in a day. He would be there until 10pm or so and go hit a bar afterwards. He always flirted with the waitresses which I never liked but they were ok with it so I wasn’t gonna white knight the party. He always tipped me several hundred each time I waited on him, cool guy for the most part.

  10. Most good people, some with underlying entitlement. I might be the same if it were 40 years since i touched cash or a calculator at the bank.

  11. I work in finance and all of my clients are rich (there’s a minimum amount you need to have to even get a meeting). Most are really hardworking entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, and other professionals. Most are pretty nice too. Their kids are usually the shitheels who were born into wealth and expect everything handed to them. They will talk down to you and send threatening emails because they’ve never needed to work with other people for mutual benefit.

  12. Used to be a caregiver for a retired pediatric heart surgeon. Dude was like 96 and had some level of dementia. I was told he was a bit old fashioned so I understood what they meant. I thought I was gonna walk into a racist prick. The other caregiver is leaving and introducing me as the new fella. Immediately the surgeon shouts, “holy shit, that’s one big black guy!” I started laughing my ass off. Overall he was a really cool guy. He liked being alone watching the golf channel. He was super rich too. His son would stop by and give me a to-do list. The surgeon was partially deaf so he would get so pissed when he couldn’t hear you. One day he shouts at me for speaking so quietly in a lunch hall. I try to tell him to calm down but he gets even more pissed. One day an old guy comes to his house to chat with him for a bit. Then he comes over to me and tells me some stories about the surgeon. This old guy was his student and also a doctor
    The surgeon apparently was such an asshole in his younger years that he would enjoy pissing people off. Dude was somewhat of a bisexual and him n this old guy (his student) had an affair for a decade. Shit was wild asf too.
    Heart warming thing bout this surgeon was that he fought with hospital administrators and prevented them from refusing to operate on black and Hispanics. Dude met Malcolm x and MLK had some pics. In his vacations, he would go operate on blacks kids in Harlem and Bronx. Shit was crazy. And dude had so much wealth and put in his will to donate half to his son and half to medical schools in Honduras, Ghana, Indonesia, and Nicaragua.

    His student, (old guy), never married and would often stop by to help clean him up and we would go out to some high end restaurants. It was one of the most wholesome experiences and I got a letter of recommendation from them for my med school.

  13. Built a house for a billionaire a few years back, she is extremely nice and honestly just a great person to work for. We maintain the house now (36,000 sqft so she has a full crew doing things constantly) there’s never any issues with cost, one of her surge protectors cost $31k and when it went she wanted us to replace it and buy a couple spares just in case. Paid up front.

    Her kids are the difficult ones.

  14. I worked on a megayacht for a little while that had a charter fee of $200K / week give or take depending on season and location. Saw a whole lot of sex parties, many of which involved exactly what you’d expect – a rich guy, a few of his friends, and a bunch of bikini-clad gold-diggers looking for a free week of partying on a yacht in exchange for sexual favors – but the most surprising ones were the groups of high-class married couples who would come aboard and spend the week sharing each other’s spouses.

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