So I met this girl but it was through someone else I knew. She’s pretty young single mother and we’re not too far apart in age. Thing is I noticed her gestures like paying for my drink and then inviting me over to her house and job. We talked for hours and hours. She’s always text me good morning which I found odd being we only knew each other for a couple of days at the time to weeks. So our last convo was aboht what we look for partners in a relationship and she took in a lot of what I had to say since she suffers from a lot of emotional and mental abuse from her past ones.

When we texted she’d always get flirty and would make some very noticeable gestures with her body in person with me. She wasant afraid to tell me “I hope you noticed”

I thought just for a second she was interested she flaked off. I wasant trying to date right away I need to get to know you first before I can say you’ll be a good fit. She ghosted then texted me again when she saw me j person with the same friend I met her with one day asking me to speak with her later. I told her I think we’re moving a bit fast and should slow things down and she shut down on me and told me not to explain what I mean. Her behavior was very different than before. So when i made time to talk I told her I’d come by she stated she can’t talk without an explanation why. I had the strong feeling she was hiding something and called her out that this behavior isant the same I once seen before and she became defensive. And told me to stop texting. (Red flag) we were just friends which is the crazy part and now she blocked me on all media for no reason at all. She told me she knew how wrong she was for ghosting me and I didn’t deserve that because I brought a lot of communication to her.

tl;dr. If we were just friends and she’s doing all this extra stuff is she hiding her feelings and also fishing around for other guys? Or could she be with someone already ?It’s kinda sad I enjoyed our talks a lot shame she just left. I’ve made no effort to even go to her house and see how she’s doing. Been a little worried but same time she’s not my girl. She’s mad cute but I’m not desperate to just rush into things like that if you know what I mean.

  1. There might be another guy. Hard to tell.

    What’s far more likely is she grew frustrated by your slow approach. Like you told her that you think you were moving too fast and wanted to slow it down… to what from what? You weren’t physical, you weren’t even dating.

    You were two people chatting and you came at her with whoaa “this is too fast. stop the bus.”

    So yeah. Good chance she just felt jerked around.

    And yeah, that wasn’t your intention. I don’t think there’s anyone necessarily in the wrong here. Everybody has a perspective.

    THAT being said, and I’m not going to call her behavior toward the end there a red flag necessarily, but it does sort of give some pause. Again, perspective. One read on it and she’s being erratic and cruel. Another read is she’s been screwed with by dudes before and is just trying to protect herself.

    I think you two are just on different life paths. Not the right time for either of you.

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