I’m goig to be short here: I (19F) am pansexual, currently in an open relationship with a cis man (22). I love him deeply, but I don’t find any of our sexual intercourses fun. I always look forward to it, but when it happens I just… Think about being with a woman during the entire thing. In the very beginning tho, I remember loving it.
I really don’t know what to do, has this happened to anyone before? How can I have fun again with him?

  1. Does he give you enthusiastic, hot oral sex? Make-out sessions? Licking and sucking your nipples? Is he trying to make sure you have orgasms?

  2. Could it be that it has become routine and women excite you because it’s not as often at this time?

    Maybe try to spice things up. Do it in other places or talk about adding something to the bedroom….

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