My immediate thought is it sends the message that they will think something is wrong with you to not have obtained friends and this will put them off.

On the other hand, maybe they’ll understand making friends as an adult is fucking hard and maybe they went through a friendliness period so will admire your vulnerability and gladly make an effort to become closer to you and introduce you to others

  1. Do not do that! Unless you have moved to a new area or place.

    Your first impression should not be ‘person with no real friends’ ….that will set a bad tone for friendship.

    Instead focus on the positives of the sitation and be like, I’m very keen to meet new friends and get to know you. Have this first impression instead!

    Two very different tones.

  2. yeah, this is a pretty bad idea. if someone i recently met just randomly disclosed to me that they don’t have any friends i would wonder why they were telling me that, and it would make me feel just… a little put off, i guess. telling people you have no friends may also come across as manipulative, depending on the context, like you are hinting for them to include you on the basis of your loneliness rather than if you actually get along or not. (i say come across deliberately, because manipulation has to be intentional, and it doesn’t sound like you’re trying to manipulate people, but i’m letting you know people may read it that way.)

    in your comment you mention hiding it and i also want to mention that like… people aren’t really entitled to information about other relationships you do or do not have. this isn’t a shameful thing that you’re also obligated to disclose. you can hand wave things off as the pandemic sort of making your social circle crumble a bit if you are absolutely forced into a situation in which you have to explain your social isolation, but also…. anybody who tries to force you to explain that is kind of a big weirdo anyway

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