What did you say to your wife that you wish you could take back?

  1. In the heat of an argument I made the fatal blunder, I compared her to her mother, that one still comes up once and awhile.

  2. I’ll make your coffee this time…..and I haven’t stopped making it for years. I don’t drink coffee

  3. Not my wife, but my 5 year relationship ex. She told me she had gained some weight (which was true) and I told her that I don’t mind, but we could go together to the gym if she wanted to. She didn’t get mad at me, but the fact someone else admited she had gained weight made her very sad.

  4. Very very early into dating I said I didn’t like how she French kissed. Almost 5 years and a marriage later she still won’t kiss me that way.

  5. I’ve been married over 25 years and one time in anger I said “fuck you” and that one hurt both of us. That’s reserved for guy talk not the mother of my kids

  6. “I never loved anyone like I loved my first girlfriend.”

    It wasn’t meant to be “I don’t love you as much as her”.

    I meant it in the context of the conversation which was “my first ever girlfriend I fell head over heels for and was so blind to her toxicity it ruined the relationships with friends and family. I am more in love with you but it’s a much different kind of love. aka actual love”

    Believe it or not that didn’t go over well,I said it seven years ago and I still see the hurt on her face when I think about it.

  7. She told me she didn’t like dealing with me when I was drinking. I told her I didn’t like dealing with her when I was sober.

  8. Just yesterday she sent me, “I love you, honey,” and I answered “thanks”. Already looking for a ground hole to die peacefully.

  9. Might as well be my wife, she knows so much about me. I told her she scares me by being a better provider and that her success is overwhelming to me.

  10. My partner is self-conscious about her intelligence and I’ve hammered her about it in the most vile moments of our fights. I’ve corrected that behavior years ago but it shames me to no end that I knowingly hit her where I knew it would hurt.

  11. I made a joke once to my fiancé that her work was rookie work compared to what I deal with. I regret that a lot. She works long hours and deals with a lot of shit. I got heated because she downplayed some of my concerns and struggles. I said it in a less than savory way and let my temper get the better of me for one of the very few moments in our relationship.

  12. We’d been going through a rough spot as we were both dealing with depression and were not communicating at all. Don’t remember what she said exactly, but it set me off and everything I’d been holding in came out at once. I said a lot of things, but the one that seemed to hurt her the most was when I said, “You don’t make me happy anymore. In fact, you make me miserable.”

  13. I’m so sad, reading all these comments about “will you marry me” and “I do” make me wonder my husband thinks this way loooool

  14. I asked her to finger my butthole once. She literally didn’t respond and never mentioned it since.

  15. We did the “Whole30” back when we were engaged in an effort to lose some weight before our wedding. Once those 30 days had lapsed she tried to keep us on the “straight and narrow” by basically continuing to not allow a lot of “unapproved” foods into our house. During a moment of frustration I blurted out something along the lines of calling her a “food Nazi.”

    She pulls that phrase out from time to time. I typically keep food opinions on the DL when the mood is off.

  16. My husband called me a “fat ass” once, I’ll be having that engraved on his tombstone.

  17. In our first year together, she told me she was a bad singer, then I agreed with her and told her she sings really off-key, and that I thought she was doing it on purpose to annoy me. 10 years later and she’s still super self conscious about singing in front of anyone. I still feel terrible about that one. I try to get her to sing sometimes when we are in the car, then she brings up what I said. I’m a terrible person. Don’t make this mistake.

  18. Sure, I’ll go put gas in your car. Been filling her tank for 25 years! Nah, it’s all good, I don’t mind and she is always appreciative.

  19. Just today for my most recent blunder. I put on a new white shirt and she was telling me it looked great. I told her she looked great in nothing. Immediately said that came out wrong I meant naked. I haven’t stopped hearing about it since

  20. When she asked for a divorce about 7 years in and I said we could work it out. We ended up divorcing anyway years later. Lots of years of my life wasted being miserable trying to save the marriage.

  21. Said “ I think you love me more than I love you”.. didn’t mean it the way it was received, but 14 years later I still hear about it.

    Edit to add*
    We had been having a great first year of marriage and she told me that she “loved me more than life itself”. I said that response ^^. The second part was “ I love life a little more because that means I get to be here with you”.
    That 18yo boy didn’t get those words out in time before it started shattering her world.

  22. I’m widowed, so pretty much everything negative. It tends to put things into a different perspective regarding how important things really aren’t.

  23. When we first started dating (~5 years ago), my gf asked me if I thought she talked too much. I said something like, “Yeah, but I don’t mind,” and it still comes up in arguments to this day

  24. Once while we were in a bad argument I said (in so many words) “when the kids grow up, they’ll realize how batshit crazy you are”… they are 3 and 1. I was trying to get her to stop yelling and fighting in front of them, then that came out… wasn’t a nice thing to say. Still feel bad about it. She cried the entire 2 hours home that drive about how they like me more and all this…. Bad mistake

  25. I called her “fucking annoying” once back in our college days. Years later she still won’t forget it and let that one go 😂. So yea, it would be that.

  26. At 7 months pregnant called me a heffer. I’ll never let him forget it, hope he regrets it cause it still hurts like hell

    Edit: spelling.

  27. When we first started dating my husband told me he prefers black women. I am white.
    Then he told me he is an ass man. I don’t have a huge ass.
    Made it hard to think he finds me attractive.

  28. My wife and I have a very robust relationship. We both have thick skin and nothing stays an issue.

    Except for one time, well over a decade ago now, like a week into dating, we were watching Easy A.


    The scene Emma Stone walks towards the camera in a black corset… I kinda… grunted? Purred? It was totally not something in my conscious control and I didn’t realize what I had done until after I did. Not something I have ever done before or since…


    She looked at me like I was some sort of wild animal.


    She still brings it up every few years when she sees Emma Stone in a film or news.


    Ultimate cringe.

  29. Reading a lot of these and knowing how awkward I can sometimes be I am glad to say after nearly 21 years of marriage I have yet to blurt something out in the heat of the moment that I later regret or that hurt her feelings. Please everyone knock on wood with me .

  30. About 5 years into our marriage we had a series of major fights about where our lives were headed and what we wanted. I brought up getting divorced.
    6 years later and we’ve solved those problems and like where we are but I still think about that moment with guilt and regret from time to time.

  31. Not a singular thing, but everything said in anger and in haste during arguments. I lost sight of the beautiful soul standing in front of me.

    And in all fairness more times that not it was my bonehead that brought us to that moment anyway.

  32. In the midst of an argument which we rarely have years ago I mistakenly called her by the name of a woman I used to date. Pretext we weren’t married then and had only been seeing each other for about six months or so and the previous relationship was not healthy and alot of arguments ensued. This is one I still feel terrible about…

  33. She had rolled herself up in a blanket tossing and turning all night and when she woke up i told her she looked like a pig in a blanket. That was a bad one.

  34. I’m buying these crocs but I promise I will only wear them around the house

  35. Heat of the moment told her I love our son but I wished I had him with somebody else.
    Could see her heart break in front of me. I will forever try to make it up to her for them harsh words.

  36. Not wife but girlfriend. She had told me early on that she was afraid of commitment, which led me to think this was more of a fling thing. I of course had my feelings that I wanted to to be something more.

    Knowing all her reservations, she asked me to lunch before heading out of town and gave it the ol’ “what are you looking for”/what are we talk.

    I unfortunately said “I’m comfortable where we are at the moment, but if this progresses into a relationship then that’s great”

    We laugh about it now that we’re dating, and our communication is much better. She’ll never see this but the moment she asked the question I was already prepared to marry her. We’re still dating atm but I’m ready when she is.

  37. My bf once said to me “I don’t know if I love you or if I love the memories”

    So take a guess in how much it hurt

  38. First time my bf looked at me naked he said “Wow you look like the cereal box” and then he couldn’t understand why my feelings were hurt. I thought he was calling me flat and boxy but turns out he was trying to make a reference to the silhouette on the box of the Fitness cereal

  39. I’m an orphan. A few years ago my husband said something like “you don’t understand cuz you don’t have real family” while we were having arguments over how often he wanted to visit his family. He wanted to go almost every weekend and I had just started feeling free after letting my in-laws live in ny house for a few years.

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