So I asked a co-worker of mine out for coffee last week and she said yes. I gave her my number and told her to text me later so we could set it up.

FF 5 days, no texts or calls. No biggie, I’m patient, maybe she is nervous? Or just not into it like I thought? We see each other the next day at work and she’s acting the same as always, all smiles, being the cutest thing to wander the building. We don’t get time to chit-chat at work since we’re always busy. At the end of my shift, I hear from another co-worker that she mentioned that I gave her my number. He asks if she’s gonna hit me up. She says she did, she waited two days, then texted me and I never responded.

I’ve gotten zero texts from any new numbers in the past week, and I know, because I’ve been watching my messages like a hawk, lol.

I guess what I want to know is:

Should I just ask her again the next time I see her? Let her know other co-worker told me I never responded? Ask if she’d like my number again, or better yet, ask for hers? Or should I just assume she’s trying to be polite and not reject me to my face?

I’m a late bloomer and really new to the dating game in general. I’d just like some opinions on how you guys would proceed.

  1. No, forget about it. She is not interested and not thinking about you. I wouldn’t force it. Also, don’t date people that you work with, it’s bound to get awkward.

  2. I’d ask, but *very* lighthearted. If you hadn’t heard from the coworker that she texted you, I’d say forget it. In this case give it another shot. If she even vaguely seems not into it, then drop it altogether.

    The fact that she brought it up to another coworker that you gave your number is what gives me hope here. She didn’t have to say a word to anyone.

  3. Your mistake was to put the onus on HER to set it up. You wanted to have coffee with her so you should have set it up. “Hey Sara, would you like to join me for coffee at XYZ cafe this Friday evening after work?”

  4. She tells another guy you gave her your number. Are we sure she doesn’t secretly like this guy and is in some way trying to make him jealous??

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