I just had a realization that I feel like I don’t really care about anyone. Not in a mean way but simply a, if they don’t talk to me anymore or if they’re upset or gone for a while I don’t miss them? I had a few best friends a couple years ago and we fell off, but I did miss one of them but since we aren’t friends anymore I’m not that broken up about it. Maybe I don’t know what missing a friend feels like, but I had a best friend in high school and she was my absolute favorite person. We shared so many things together and I would say I loved her and cared for her, but when that friendship ended its like I haven’t felt that yet with anyone new and I do have friends. I don’t even majorly miss my family and I only see them maybe once every few months lmao. I feel like a cold hearted person or maybe I lack some emotions? But it makes friendships tough. Tomorrow I had plans with an old friend but I low-key don’t want to hangout because I just don’t care. Does anyone know if there is a term or explanation for this? I suffer from depression, I have since I was maybe 13 and I am now 23 so I feel like that had an effect on my brain.

  1. I feel the same way and I’d like to know. For me though I think the reasoning was because I’ve moved a lot when I was a kid and haven’t been around or involved in many healthy relationships

  2. Could be several things: autism/adhd or a dismissive/avoidant attachment style or perhaps an issue with object constancy.

  3. Did you miss the “absolute favorite person” though? Because you didn’t state it. Also what was the reason of such an awesome friendship to end?

  4. I feel the same way too … I don’t care about anyone in my life literally. But when someone wants to end the relationship with me i feel sad alittle bit but I forget about them real fast and I don’t know why. To be honest I’m a little glad that there are some ppl who feel the same coz I thought it was only me.

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