I met a wonderful guy on tinder. he’s not perfect, but neither am i, and even though we are different people, we struggle with similar issues. i’m glad that he can understand me, and from the first night i stayed the night at his place i felt a warm comforting feeling from being around him.

we are both in college, and are career driven people, we haven’t made anything official yet because it seems like we will be taken on different paths in life. we are essentially dating though, we don’t want to see other people, if something happens we will always tell the other person before other friends, and we have met family. should i still keep seeing him? everyday that gets closer to graduation i realize how much more it’s going to hurt when we can’t see each other any more, and even though i want to make it last as long as possible, i also don’t want it to hurt more than it needs to.

  1. Better to do it now then until waiting until the very end. It will hurt regardless

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