I could make a long post citing specific examples about how our lack of communication is going to ruin us, but I’ll save it.

Every-time there’s a blow up, it turns into a promise he will start communicating and letting me in and that we will both do our part.

That never happens and the hamster wheel starts over again.

I’m at my wits end. Have you done couples therapy? Did it help?

  1. well you allowed it for a long time why should he change. alot of issues start from the very beginning

  2. Couple’s therapy can absolutely help with communication problems. You both have to want it and be open to admitting you are both at fault (usually, obviously there are exceptions). Good luck.

  3. Couples therapy has saved plenty of marriages with poor communication! It seems he is willing, he just maybe doesn’t have the tools or know how, which is where therapy could be super helpful! ☺️

  4. What could you do to prevent the blow up? This seems all on your husband, but maybe there are things you can improve as well. I had to learn this with my husband. Wr had counseling for communication which helped us tremendously

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