In MyCountry, we have a long and beautiful tradition dating back to the 1950s when we became independent from the British. We have many cultural foods such as tea, coffee, and chocolate made in our uniquely traditional way that nobody else does. How come whenever someone brings a traditional food to the US you guys change it in such a manner it becomes indistinguishable from the original? The lack of cultural ideas, clothing, and language strikes me as very odd and a unique part of America that I am glad to be away from.

  1. We accidentally threw all the culture into Boston Harbor along with the tea in 1773.

  2. Oh, culture was outlawed as part of the New Deal.

    FDR was famously quoted as saying “culture? Miss me with that shit fam” and then popped a wheelie out of the Oval Office

  3. I feel like our food is our culture. Everything is so regional, what the south would consider their culture for example, is stuff people in the PNW wouldn’t claim as part of theirs.

    It always bums me out when my kids school (we have a crazy diverse community) has a day for kids to wear traditional dress to share their culture. I’m like… so my kids were the usual t shirt and shorts or what?

  4. america as a whole doesn’t really have one culture, we’re the melting pot so everyone brought their own 😂 byoc!

    american culture is just driving on the left, mcdonald’s, and expensive healthcare.

  5. it’s easy to think of material culture in other countries like france for example; one might think of baguette, croissant, beret, eiffel tower etc
    but the united states is huge compared to many other countries; it’s not easy to narrow down our culture but it doesn’t mean we have no culture at all.

  6. Ha! Our culture goes back before the “1950’s!! Besides, culture is more than tea and chocolate that you are so proud of. The USA is proud of its customs, beliefs, government, values and much more. We change things from other countries bc we improve them and make them to OUR liking and high standards.

  7. We have guns, hot wings, and Nascar. Your Country only wishes you had culture like ours. I bet Your Country is obsessed with Your Unique Bread Products, literature no one reads, and music that has to be government subsidized because no one really likes it.

  8. You mean baseball, television, airplane’s, blue jeans, t shirts, reusable rockets, video games, corn, turkey, bison, affordable cars, politics as a birth right, there is a ton of shit I am missing but you get the gist.

    Not to mention all the regional cultures. Like New Orleans is a beautiful fusion of many cultures into one that only really exists there. Lots of cities, and regions have their own cultures, and sub cultures.

    We are the descendants of colonial powers, indigenous peoples, and refugees. All your culture are belong to us.

  9. Think of American culture the same way you do paint colors. When you mix too many together, it all comes out gray.

  10. There question is ignorant, there is literally culture in every corner of the Us

  11. We invented twinkies – a food item that could survive a direct thermonuclear strike and still remain moist and delicious. We have superior culture

  12. There is a culture of GUN NUTS that worship phallic replacements. As you should know, looking at your other posts.

  13. We have culture.

    We stole all the best pieces from every culture that ever immigrated here. Mixed it together.

    Added the best part of The Enlightenment.

    That’s American Culture.

  14. We’ve outsourced our culture to a cal center in Mumbai in 2001, it was a deal we that was tooo good to pass up.

  15. It’s hard to have any culture left when the rest of the world keeps sucking it al out.

  16. Americans have culture but its regonizled texans have a more texan cultre and new england has its own and someatates break down ecen more. But we all have car cultre.and ruals have there own compatred to the cities

  17. I was gonna launch into a very repetitive essay about America’s culture, and then I looked at the date

    Got me good bro

  18. Easy, around the 1950s we noticed that a lot of other countries had “culture.” Simple equation: America > other countries, other countries = culture. Ipso facto America does not need this “culture” nonsense. Also ipso facto, I’m your boss.

  19. Well technically America’s culture would be Native American culture but like you know… we were awful to them and replaced their culture with all the ones we brought over, fast forward 200 years of everyone making everything their own and picking and choosing what they like and somewhere along the line we claimed Baseball so. There’s that.

  20. USA is loaded with culture, so many different nationalities, the food, the music, the history of this melting pot is like no other on earth, you don’t like a area in the USA get in your car and drive a few hundred miles and everything is different. No wonder so many people want to live here.

  21. Bruh, look around American culture is everywhere, and I’m not even American. Jeans, American. Capitalism, American. McDonald’s American. Literally American culture is everywhere.

  22. We have our own culture & history. History lesson…Americans ran the Red Coats out of America April 17, 1775

  23. We have gun culture and frontier culture. We are still working on hashing out the rest of it. We have a lot of material to work with as we are a highly pluralistic society.

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