
I (M22) have been together with my girlfriend (F22) for about 3 years – my first girlfriend.

We have had our ups and downs, but lately it has been most downs. The entire relationship has been long distance, which also has caused some trouble here and there, but I think we managed that part pretty great.

We have a lot of the same interests, and I love when we are happy together. It’s the best. She is also very sweet and caring, and I really love all the good parts about her.

However, there are just some parts that I can’t cope with, which it makes it hard for me to imagine a future with her. She is a very jealous – like VERY jealous. When we are together, I’m often afraid to do something wrong, like talking to another female for too long, saying something wrong, being to excited when talking with another female and so on. She is constantly so nervous that I will screw her over for some other girl. At the same time she knows that I’m a very honest guy, who would never do that.

I’m very opposite, and not jealous at all. She can go where she wants, talk to whom she wants and almost do everything she wants, because I trust her. And this is where it gets difficult for me – to trust her so much, while she doesn’t “trust” me at all. Even though I’m not the jealous type, I’m not perfect either, but 90% of the time it’s her getting angry with me for one reason or another.

She knows that her jealousy is the “main problem” in our relationship, and it has been ever since be got together. She has worked a lot on making it better, and I do notice som change, but it’s still bad. Lately, I have found it very difficult, and I think I might be burned out.

I have considered if she was the one for me for a couple of months now, but I’m terribly bad at making decisions. What if I’m wrong? What if it’s the wrong decision? I’m also just very afraid of losing her, because I do love her a lot. I’m just not sure I can cope with the jealousy thing anymore.


TLDR: Can’t cope with my girlfriends jealousy anymore, and can’t really imagine a future with her due to it. Should I break up even though I love her?

I hope you have some advice, on what to do.

  1. Honestly I believe that you *might* be able work to make it work… But man, be ready for a very very painful and sad long road ahead of both of you. The destination is not worth the trek in my personal opinion. Good luck on whatever path you choose.

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