i (18NB) and my partner (19M) have been together to nearly 7 months but i’m really nervous about having sex with him. it’s not that i don’t want to, but i’m so anxious about it hurting or something going wrong. i have autism and have sensory overloads and my anxiety stems from the idea that i might have a panic attack during it. as i said, it’s not that i don’t want to because i’ve already had other sexual interactions with him but this is still nerve wracking. we are planning to get engaged within the next month or so (we have known each for over a year and feel that this is the next step in our relationship).

how do i get over these feelings of anxiety?

  1. Take your time, communicate with him, try to relax and not over think things. I know that’s easier said than done. But for me sex is about two people having as much fun as they can

  2. Remember to breathe, and just take it slowly. Make sure you both communicate about you feel. It’s completely okay to stop, even in the middle if you need to for any reason. It doesn’t have to ruin the experience. If you think things will be too much, bring things to stop some of your senses from taking so much input. Like earplugs and a blindfold.

    And as a side note: sex is messy and can be silly in the best way.

  3. Yoga and meditation will train your mind to be free of thoughts, calm and in the moment. That’s the mindset you need to perform well in bed. If you’re in your head space with thoughts and worry then you might have issues.

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