Context: my fiancé and I (M36) attended a small concert last night; Amy Shark (indie-pop artist) at the Canberra Theatre Centre.

The show:
Sold out crowd (the venue seats twelve hundred people at capacity), many younger fans in attendance. No standing tickets, no mosh pit, just a nice chilled show.

[edit: seats were allocated. Some fans attempted to stand in isles during the show, but ushers were quick to ask patrons to either return to their seats or depart to the bathrooms/food/drink bar].

From my seat, I had my partner to my right, and two ‘early-fortyish’ women to my left. Behind us, a mother with her young daughter (8-10, sitting on a cushion to increase her viewing height).

The precursor :
Mid way through the show, the crowd is warmed up but predominantly remaining seated. I’d say less than 3% of the crowd rise to their feet for any given moment of a song. During one song the ladies to my left rise to their feet for the duration of a song. Aware of the young girl, I turn and yep- she has her entire view blocked. The song ends, the ladies sit back down.

The exchange:
As they sit, I lean to the woman closest to me and say:

“hey, just letting you know there is a young girl behind who can’t see when you stand”

Woman 1: “well, we are at a concert”

Me: “yes, but she paid for her ticket too, and should enjoy the show as well”

Woman 2: “yeah, well, we don’t care”

Me: “Don’t be a c#nt about it”

no further response.

The above exchange was the entirety of it. The women remained seated but appeared to enjoy themselves even after the altercation, the young fan was able to watch unimpeded. The conversation was never heated or escalated, and my partner was not aware of anything more than the fact that I’d addressed the women about standing until I told her the full exchange afterwards.

Admittedly my language was harsh, but it seemed effective.

My question is, was I reasonable in the first place in alerting the women to their unintended affect on the young fans experience, or were they right? It’s a concert, they should enjoy the show as they see fit?

Curious to hear thoughts, and thanks for taking the time.

  1. Here’s how I see it because it’s the only way I was raised:

    It’s a concert. Everybody paid for their ticket and should enjoy the show as they want to. If you can’t see, tough luck, try to find a better view (you usually can). I only think this way cause I was taken to a few concerts as a kid and nobody around me was ever expected to accommodate me, so I assume this is the norm.

    If someone is really bothered by not being able to see, they can politely talk to the person themselves. I don’t believe it was your place to get involved.

    I could be wrong though and if anyone else believes so please let me know.

  2. I think you were justified in mentioning this to them, but they had no obligation to do anything. the women paid for their seats too.

    PS: you really shouldn’t be calling strangers cunts

  3. I think it’s hilarious and you’re super brave to tell someone to stop being a cunt. I’d give you an award for this if I could

  4. Try and make your point next time without foul language.

    You know you did nothing wrong idk why you’re even asking

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