i have heard so many mixed answers and due to recent events I’m so embarrassed lmao

  1. Depends on where we put our hands when we hug.

    Seriously though I can definitely tell when I hug my wife.

  2. Maybe, depends

    “I’m so embarrassed”

    Why? If ever I could tell, never have I cared

  3. Depends on what you *are* wearing. If you’ve got on two shirts and a hoodie, maybe not. If you’ve got on a sundress, then probably. It also depends on what we’re wearing, what size bra you’d wear if you *were* to wear one, and a couple other things.

    For the most part, I’d say yes, we can tell.

  4. You do realize that depends more on your clothing and body than like just a general “do men x-ray see through women’s clothes?” 😛

  5. Most men can tell just by the sound of your voice on the phone. /s

    Serisously though, yes and even visually from a distance too.

  6. It depends. If you’re wearing winter clothes, no. If you’re wearing something lighter, most probably yes. What is making you embarrassed exactly? Did someone comment on that? If that’s the case, no biggie.

  7. It all depends on the hug. If it’s an affectionate one where chests are pressed and arms are clasped for a proper embrace, yes. There’s a different feeling of most bras with their padded fronts and underwire, than a bare chest under clothing. However if it’s a bralette that doesn’t have structure or the embrace is loose or from the side, then usually not.

  8. I can usually tell before the hug, but if you’re not wearing something heavy, I’m definitely going to know when we hug. Bras typically compress and keep everything organized when we hug, but braless is like the wild west

  9. Unless you’re wearing a sweater or a thick coat, yes. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. If you aren’t the type of person who is ashamed to go out in public without a bra, then don’t be ashamed about the hug thing.

    Let me let you in on a little secret: If we are deriving any titty-based enjoyment from the hug, the bra wasn’t going to interfere with that anyway. Unless you’re rocking one of those steel brassieres like in the Frank Frazetta paintings, a bra doesn’t mask the boobness of boobs enough to deter the male imagination.

  10. can usually tell before the hug, but the lack of straps on her back and a little bit of extra softness in the front is a pretty good indicator

    I don’t usually think too much on it, don’t worry about it

  11. Maybe if I can’t feel straps on your back, but that’s a pretty close hug.
    Honestly I won’t notice unless I’m about to take it off of you.

  12. Yes. It’s very obvious. A bra makes it feel like a particularly firm pillow. While no bra feels like a sack of fat.

  13. I wish women didn’t care or felt safe enough or not care. My wife always wants to go braless but it’s a constant second thought of not wanting to offend someone else mostly.

  14. Let your titties be free. Don’t be embarrassed even though we know. Life is too short to be limited with trivial things like that.

  15. Yes. From a hug. From no hug. From you walking by. At 2.5 miles away. In a thunderstorm. At midnight. Yes. And if you’re in a sundress? Easily 5 miles. And if your n1ps are hard, well, that visible distance can extend up to several light years.

  16. We can tell by looking.

    That said there’s nothing necessarily sexual about a woman not wearing a bra and most men over a certain age are not going to treat it as a big deal.

  17. No because at that point, I’m enjoying what little physical contact I’m getting.

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