I was in my late teens, there was a time I was helping teach computing to an all women class. I also worked at a school with majority female teachers.

I found they do gossip a bit more than men, it’s not always bad sometimes even amusing. Their partners are complete piece of shits or the best person in the world and won’t stop talking about how amazing they are.

Women that have children, I would know so much information about their kids. If I ever met them I could probably creep them out with how much I know about them. They also seem to love talking about child birth, I’ve heard them talk about it so many times and boy it sounds so painful. It only takes one women to mention it and everyone chips in with their experience, it almost becomes a competition on who had it worse.

The sexual jokes when compared to a male setting was not too bad but I was young then and used to feel a bit flustered. I remember 2 younger women would always reply to “what’s that smell” with “close your legs” or “wash you fanny next time”. They’d be discussion about what people could fit in their boobs, their was this women who always had food getting stuck between her boobs during lunch. The terms bitch, slapper, tart and other words was used a lot to talk about other women. I’ve also heard women criticise other women’s clothing for it being too revealing.

All in all I had a good experience. I was the youngest there so was always treated with kindness.

  1. I’m the only male in my department. It’s all about work issues and gossip about other employees. Nothing personal or biological.

  2. Never again. I called my department “the snake pit”. I was treated very well but the girls fucking bullied the living shit out of each other. Women are much more cruel than men. We fight and make up but they hold a grudge forever.

  3. I’ve been the lone male in several teams because I work in healthcare and my main takeaway is that women are very nice to each other publicly but fucking hate each other. The undercurrent of sniping and gossip is something else.

    However, when one of them has an emergency, you’d think they were all sisters.

  4. Friend had a job like this. Loved it at first. Started dipping his pen in the company ink and it quickly spiraled out of control.

  5. Worked in an office with about 12 women as the only guy. Was a nightmare. Never again. I quit the job and went back to Uni rather than stay there. Was worse than the most dramatic soap opera. They would be so cruel, and argue, gossip, lie and constantly complain and back stab. And the amount of cheating that women indulge in is no one’s business. About 75 percent of them had cheated on their husbands/partners at some point. Worse time was when one seduced and started a relationship with our office colleague’s (and one of her best friends) long term partner when they were still together! Shit really hit the fan with that one. Don’t quite know what she thought would happen, but it tore the office apart and prompted my exit. Haven’t got time to deal with that crap all day. Since then I swore I would never work in a women only environment again. Got a job after uni with mostly men and a few women and we’ve never had an issue! We talk about movies, TV shows, sports and have a laugh. No drama at all!! It’s amazing!!

  6. After working in the field for a construction company for several years I was moved into their office with six women who all cursed better than any man out in the field.

  7. You’re 100% right about them talking about their kids. It weirds me out more when the kids are roughly my age or only a bit younger. Like, I don’t need to know the details of your son’s life, and if he heard you telling them to me, he’d tell you to stop talking about him.

    Also I guess that means all my mom’s colleagues knew everything about me, too. That’s upsetting.

  8. I work in a medical facility. Aside from myself and the head doctor, everyone else who works here is female. The staff share one bathroom. Every time I go to the bathroom, there is pee all over the seat. Every single time.

  9. I’ve worked in a 99% female area(healthcare). Alot of gossip, backstabbing, and catty behavior but I was mostly immune to it because nobody wanted to lose their work mule/heavy lifter.

    I was always the one sent to deal with a difficult/violent patient and was always the one sent to move the heavy stuff. Especially because I’m a bigger Male.

    While I was single, it wasn’t uncommon for some staff to try to flirt and charm you into doing stuff.

    After I was married and had a kid, that seemed to open up alot of friendships and they were generally more open with me.

    I will say that I think being male let me get away with much more than what a female could get away with.

  10. I work in the health and social care sector (M35UK) and I am surrounded by women. On the whole they are lovely and do an amazing job but by God the drama they generate! I mean sniping back stabbing gossip, trying to get one up on someone they don’t like etc.
    Hell as a man I get it in the neck all the time just for being there with them as it’s there domain mainly. It’s a constant battle to justify my worth in their eyes – yes it is that shallow.
    Joke and fun wise, they do like it, some enjoy it others report you and anyone else because they didn’t like it. Like walking on razor sharp egg shells man honestly.

  11. Not good, used to work in a kindergarten for a while in my younger years. Job itself was alright, gave me some experience on my CV albei the pay was beyond trash.

    But the thing that made it so bad was the fact that as one of the few men working there, the women would always throw trash jobs at the men. A kid has a stomach flu and has shat themselves and puked? Lets make a man clean it up, they would throw around these ”dirty jobs” towards me more often than not.

    Then there was the oh so lovely being accused of mistreating a child, was this one little girl that used to be very shy and quiet in one of the ”classes”. When i started she stuck to me like glue and with time opened up to talking and hanging with kids.

    Even when i was stationed at a different group of kids she still came running, queue one day i had closing shift and it was only me with some kids left waiting for the parents.

    One of the kids being this girl, i had them do some drawing, colouring and whatever to keep them occupied while i waited for the parents. Then finally the mom of the girl comes to pick her up, she gives me the worst stare ever when she picked her up, no thank you, no nothing. Just took the kid and ran of, later that week i got pulled to the side by the higher ups.

    ”We know you didn’t do anything, but we just gotta make sure since the parents are saying you did”

    So these parents went and lied to the higher ups about me diddling their kid, after that day i said nah i am good and just quit the job. Not dealing with the risk of getting shit like that on me just for being a man working with children.


    Also had a bad run in with being the only male as a personal assistant for someone, we all worked shifts and i was the only man there. The female boss there would give everyone else so much leg room. They lost an animal? Take all the time in the world to grieve, while when it was me i was given more of the ”maybe it is time to move on” treatment. Then they act surprised when i call them out on the BS and want to quit my job.

  12. Worked as a receptionist in an all-female workplace a while back. Why do women go out of their way to hate each other lol

  13. Worked in clothing retail; it was weird. Everyone thought I was gay; I was just trying to earn rent money to live off campus.

  14. I’ve been working in different settings with women only (I work with children). Some of them were extremely toxic, some were amazingly harmonious, some I would describe as neutral. It really REALLY depends on the people you work with though. Some teams interact at an almost purely professional level, others are like a family that are privately friends with each other. It also depends on the age of the people you’re working with. Colleges have told me having a man’s presence really changes things up but having a teen-trainee? That’s a whole different story

    also: lots of period, birth, pregnancy etc talks and sweets or baked stuff, so really hard to not gain weight

  15. Worked in a high paying insurance field with 80% women 20% men. Environment definitely became somewhat of a boss babe place. It was slow at first but all the men dropped off and eventually I was the last one. I ended up going from having outstanding yearly reviews to underperforming and was placed on performance review.

    During my time on review I confided to a few trustworthy other women what happened and how disappointed and stressed it made me. They thought it was absolute bullshit as they were seniors of other teams so they reviewed my work to try to help me and said it was fine. Some even confided they knew management was pawning their work off during the pandemic.

    Either way I got fired a few months later and replaced with another woman.

  16. Never again. I assume my experience is probably what women experience from male-dominated places of work.

    Had a “girl boss” manager. I was the only guy in a department of all women. She would shove all the most undesirable and difficult work on to me with no additional pay or even show of appreciation.

    During performance reviews, she would gloss over my extremely good business metrics and instead scold me about how I needed to be more friendly and talkative in the work place (I worked in an office…By myself…In my own office.)

    She also had a company-wide rule instated to outlaw the use of headphones during work because I would listen to music while doing my spreadsheets (which took up like 2-3 hours of my day…Never made mistakes on them.)

    I have and currently do work in a more mixed setting, and it’s been great.

  17. I was working in a group of only women at an office in my early 20s. By some of the older women i was treated like a son but i was inappropriately sexually approached on a conference by an older woman (She was 50, ans when i told my female boss about it she laughed). Most talked about how bad and lazy their partners were and i hooked up with the girls that where close to my age. I guess i was kind popular and it felt like the women were competing for my attention sometimes.

    It all turned south when some of these girls i had hooked up with were gossiping with each other about me. Then i met my ex there and i left for a new job.

    Moral of the story, don’t shit where you eat.

  18. Awkward but peaceful, those who didn’t work there looked at me like, “what’s a man doing here?” but no one ever said anything, it was just looks.

  19. I worked in an elementary school. There were 4 male staff and 100+ female staff. It was miserable. The best part was there were 4 sets of adult bathrooms. So each guy had his own and we didn’t use the others unless it was an emergency. So that was nice.

  20. I worked in an all woman office for about 6 months before, just doing data entry where I didn’t really have to interact with anyone that often. It was pretty horrible, but I’m not sure if it was specifically because it was an all woman environment. It was definitely very cliquey and gossipy, but there was just a specific person who was very toxic to the work environment who made everything worse, and I bet it wouldn’t have been as bad without her.

    I’ll call her April, because fuck it, that’s her dumbass name. She was just overall an awful human being. The way she spoke was just gross and overly materialistic. I still think about how obnoxious of a person she was to this day and it’s been like ten years.

  21. When I worked at Petco for some spending cash in college all but one of my coworkers were girls, from my boss to other cashiers. It was all fine. Just a job. They were all nice and easy to talk to when the store was dead. Pretty sure one of them had a crush on me; some light flirting, spending more time than necessary with me. I didn’t look into it much.

    I also worked at a grocery store in high school where I had a similar experience. The other girls were pushing me to ask her out. So I did. Didn’t go anywhere and made the workplace really awkward. Nice people otherwise.

    No joke when people say not to date coworkers.

  22. I used to work in a call center in my 20s. Over 600 workers. Easily 95% women. There are a couple of real takeaways from that experience.
    One… when in a mostly female environment, women become very sexualy aggressive. Who knows really why. Could be a sense of security. Could be a sense of scarcity. Probably some of each.
    Two… once the shine wore off and I faded into the background, these women would speak freely in my presence. What I learned about female nature was invaluable and depressing. They don’t like men. Not the way we, as men, like women. They view their relationships with men as adversarial. They are very open about their relationships and openly dog their husbands, boyfriends, current lay, etc… One conversation I’ll never forget entailed a woman saying her husband was a pussy (her word) for having cried in front of her. That’s why she was now open to “real dick” ( her words). Cause her pussy husband doesn’t deserve her respect anymore (her words)…. Yeah. 😵‍💫

  23. Was a house boy at a sorority house at a large D1 University in the south. Job mainly includes prepping for and cleaning up after dinner. Only other male was the chef who’s 20 years my senior.

    Had to quit since I felt like a hunk of meat and they’d all stare the whole time I was doing any task. Granted these were all sophomore in college women (and my peers) and I hate attention.

  24. About 10 years ago I worked in an org that was mostly women. My manager was a woman, her peers were women, and their bosses 2 up were women. I’d wager 90% of the teams were women whose ages ranged from early 20’s to 40’s.

    I was 23 at the time so I got along with the younger team members easy since we could all relate. The oldest ladies were either super friendly or super mean because they didn’t like working with/for younger people. Regardless of age, they definitely gave each other more attitude when they didn’t like each other. This is all anecdotal of course and is not meant to be a representation of a similar work environment everywhere. The older ladies did definitely narc on the younger ones for dress code violations which got increasingly annoying. I can say that none really ever wore anything bad even by modest standards, but this is how the older ladies would eff with the younger ones when they pissed them off.

    My managers were great and I never got the sense they had a chip on their shoulder from, “trying to make it in a mans world.” They were there to do their job and excel. I feel like they were more nurturing in our career development discussions than when I’d report to a male leader.

  25. Pretty shitty. The boss had a crush on the guy I replaced and I was in a steady relationship/not working out like I do now.

    She would very loudly talk about how she missed having the old guy around. I work in IT. I have no idea what the fuck the last guy was hired for, but he clearly didn’t do anything except work out and flirt.

    I don’t blame him for living his best life, but damn i hated working there.

  26. I wasn’t the only male at the company but was the only male on second shift for a while and it was not always great. They were three pretty tight knit women so they’d be huddled together talking not so quietly while I was at my desk minding my business. However they did talk loud enough I couldn’t always tune them out and over heard plenty of stories about them getting wasted at the bar and one of them throwing up on themselves. And then being so hung over she didn’t even have energy to shower or change for work so she could still smell vomit on her bra. And then there were the days they’d “ooh” and “ahh” over men on tv and talk about what they would do to these men or look up pictures of barely or not at all dressed men on their phones talking about how big their dicks were, which was kinda gross but all I could think was how different it would be if it was a group of dudes talking about how they’d fuck a girl or passing around pictures of a porn stars vag they’d be in deep shit. I thought maybe bringing it up to the boss but I saw her join in on the conversation once so I just dropped it. Tried my best to tune it out. By far way more vulgar than any group of dudes I’ve ever worked with

  27. I worked in a job where a majority of the management staff was women, and it was a thoroughly horrible experience. I thought it would be very pleasant but it turned into a nightmare immediately. I negotiated my salary before joining and almost immediately noticed that I was getting treated differently than other males that had been hired along with me at the same time. The woman that was my manager was suppose to train me but didn’t, so I reviewed a manual and asked questions to other managers when I couldn’t get an answer out of mine so I could do my job properly. I tried my best to be friendly with everyone but a majority of the time I got the cold shoulder for over a year. This stopped when I was on a phone call with my wife during my lunch break which was heard by a few coworkers in mixed company, who asked to sit with me afterwards and talked to me in a friendly manner. After doing this for a few weeks one of the girls stayed back and told me a bunch of things, like they had all been told to stay away from me because I was trying to use the workplace to hook up with people and that I was a huge jerk, then telling me that everyone knew my salary and people were talking a lot of trash to me. She told me she wouldn’t say who said it but that she thought I should know as I she found a lot of what was being said to be completely wrong.

    I immediately started looking for new jobs after this that would match my salary, was nicer than I ever was to everyone after this, and generally put in as much effort as possible in a bid to change opinions and to try to be seen as possible management material. The upper management asked for ideas to improve the department structure or anything else that we do and to submit it in writing to their inboxes, found out that my immediate manager that didn’t train me stole what I submitted and all of the female managers backed her up. Then they’d all start taking credit for my design work despite everyone knowing I created it with no help, it would have sucked a lot more if I didn’t gain a few friends from this ordeal that were tired of seeing this stuff happen. A few that pretended to be cool with the female managers documented emails for me where they would talk trash about me, coming up with new ways to try to get me fired despite being good at my job, to steal more work from me that I created while making me out to be a bad employee, saying horrible things about me and lies that they wanted to spread, and personal information that they only could have gotten from my employee file that is suppose to be confidential. I had enough of it but I kept my professional face on until I could get the job
    I wanted.

    About 6 months go by an I get my current job that starts in a month from the hiring date, so I submit all the information I had to my HR regarding the issue. Guess what, they’re all women that are friends with the other female managers, so nothing happens with the information except I get a verbal write up for something that never happened. Now I know why they’ve been allowed to do this, so I just start planning my exit strategy. I recorded another HR meeting to discuss why this is not getting addressed and they basically blew me off, and instead decided to berate me for trying to start trouble despite having a ton of evidence that I was not trying to start anything but to stop trouble from happening. I sent all my info, including the video, photos dirty workplace conditions, photos building issues of leaking and mold when it rained, and all the compiled information I had to OSHA and the EEOC. Then I put in my 2 week notices and included my resignation letter to both complaints siting being harassed, bullied, having work and ideas stolen, having unsafe working conditions, and the HR response video to the CEO of the company when he came by for his once a month visit.

    Nothing happened, surprise, except my hours were changed to be on a ridiculous night shift schedule alone in the building for the next 2 weeks with minimal work. Then I had an exit interview with my manager on my last day during the day, where I told her off for all the horrible things she has said and that I hope she’s stuck in her position with lower pay than I had for the rest of her career before walking out.

    Found out later from mutual friends that after I left I found out that I beat out my manager and a bunch of her management friends for my current position and they all spent months talking trash about me, even trying to figure out how to get me fired from my new role so they could try again to get even though none of them were interviewed for the position. I had all the documentation on this and also sent it to OSHA and EEOC before wiping my hands of the situation, and settled into my new job.

    Over the next year I got to enjoy my new position, enjoy hearing about OSHA and EEOC tear the previous job to shreds, hearing the female managers demoted or outright fired, hearing the entire HR department being replaced, and eventually getting a compensation letter from them to settle the matter after discussing the situation with a government rep. I had to pass by the place a few times and they were under construction to update the building issues I assume were cited in my OSHA reports about them and found out a bunch of people I liked and some that kept their heads down filed some stuff to once they caught on to me getting compensation for the whole ordeal.

    Overall it was extremely traumatizing, and my current workplace really helped me out to going back to normal. I wouldn’t suggest saying not to join an all women or majority women workplace, but it can go bad really quick and for really petty reasons depending on the type of women there. Be careful, document everything, and know your workplace rights.

  28. It was a nightmare to be honest. I’ve done two places.

    Most of the people on the floor were awesome. The regular wage workers was great. But management sucked.

    There was so much, like, sensitivity in everything. Things also were always more dramatic than they had to be. It was a lot more feel good meetings than get things done meeting. There was this feeling of having to manage the mood and gossip of the place.

    Management definitely had a chip on their shoulder. I don’t really blame them for it, the industry they were in was a male dominated one and they had to scratch and crawl their way to the top. And they weren’t incompetent by any means. I just didn’t fit in their mold and it felt hostile to work there from the top.

    The second spot was more middle aged woman. That also sucked. I think this was more of a generational thing than a male to female thing. But they were again, also sensitive because of denied promotions and poor working conditions. Again, male dominated industry and I witnessed first hand the bullshit mansplaining that was dealt out. So I get it.

    It didn’t make my experience any more pleasant. There wasn’t anyone to talk to, and everyone had different life experiences so there wasn’t any overlap or anything to bond over. So I was the odd person out both in gender and in age. It wasn’t a fun place to work or be at.

    The most fun places I’ve worked have always been mixed. Men and woman in charge, working as a team, with a good mix of employees was always the bright spot. Sometimes being just bro’s was ok. But it’s still, lacking the female experience that can add spice to the group. Too many guys loses perspective and lacks variety. And younger.

    Outside of a couple of managers, and some really cool people I’ve always enjoyed working with younger people. They have more jokes, more energy, and optimism that I find fun to work with. (*That isn’t to say older people and middle aged people aren’t also great. I’ve found that the average of younger people is more fun, but if you get a fun older person they typically are rockstars and so have a higher ceiling of coolness.)*

  29. How much borderline sexual assault or abuse or harrassment older women will conduct on you if you’re younger than them and in your 20s or early 30s. Married women seem to be worse.

  30. Exhausting. So much talking behind others backs. Drama that was there seemingly for no other purpose than so they could all talk about something or someone. Issues that could be solved by someone taking on a bit of extra work or fixing someone’s mistake as soon as they see it (nothing major) become long drawn out affairs in which the situation is made worse by snide comments and sniping at each other.

    Awful. Women are just like men, too, despite their protesting. If the printer repair dude or delivery driver came in, they’d be rating him out of 10. Talking about how he was too fat or too fit, flirting etc. Crazy times.

  31. I work with mostly women, though they’re almost all about 20+ years older than me. Every one of them is very motherly to me and very kind. They have their issues with each other but it doesn’t seem to impact the work. There is one woman who is in my age bracket and we work on one project together and she has a ton of personal issues but it never impacts work and we get along really well.

    I think the biggest issue that crops up is that every one of the women in the office tries to dress wrap problems instead of just addressing it. If I screw up a sheet, they’ll dance around it. My boss, who is a man, will tell me what is wrong, it gets fixed, and then we move on. It’s always a week long issue if damn near anyone else in the office is involved because they simply won’t tell me something is wrong to try and not hurt my feelings or something.

  32. I watched my office grow from 50% male to almost entirely female and being the last man standing.

    I learned that the women in my office eventually all hated each other. Some secretly hate each other and others openly. Throw in an attractive woman in the space and it was all out warfare. I Don’t understand why some women don’t support each other more.

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