I’m currently 28 and I enjoy beer, but I value my health way more. I’ve noticed a few people around my age have developed massive guts from casually day drinking bud lights every day. I’m assuming that habit continues into their 30s and 40s. When I was in high school I ate taco bell and KFC every day (student athlete) and was still very lean so I have some perspective. Right now I limit myself to drinking on the weekends, not blackout drunk but 3 or 4 dark beers then ill call it quits. Has anyone’s drinking habits changed into their 30s?

  1. I haven’t had a beer since I was 25.

    I drink maybe 5-6 times a month but mostly wine, cider and mixed drinks and I stick to one or two drinks at a time. I get drunk only once every year or two.

    My alcohol consumption peaked when I was probably 17. I don’t like alcohol as a drug. There are way better substances out there.

  2. At a certain point in your life your eyes “open” to what is truly important to you. Suddenly you start to understand all the negatives that come with “beer drinking” or whatever the issue is in your life. It’s all about finding what you value in life.

  3. I didn’t really drink in my 20s but started in my 30s because everyone was doing it – it’s honestly a great social lubricant. I started liking craft beer. I wish I didn’t because it has an awful toll on the body in terms of useless calories, and alcohol affects mood and sleep more as you age.

  4. I drink much less alcohol after leaving a stupidly stressful job. I enjoy beer with company once in a while, but it’s usually probably one can or bottle at most.

  5. Way, way less alcohol in general. It’s just not that good, it’s one of the worst recreational drugs in general, and there are plenty of interesting and tasty drinks that don’t have alcohol in them.

    The older i get the more i realize those friends who insisted on parties being no fun without alcohol were toxic assholes. Most of them are either functional alcoholics or at rock bottom by now.

  6. I probably drink more at 39, because I quit smoking cigarettes and drinking caffeine, so I no longer get horrible hangovers. I drink water all day, then switch to beer, campaign, or mixed drinks (vodka usually) when I get off of work. Not sure if it is the lack of stimulants, being very hydrated, or a combination of both.

  7. I didn’t started drinking until I started working part time as a chef at a restaurant. I was 28 at the time and all the cute waitress would go out drinking almost everyday, how could I say no?

    I’m 30 now and still drink heavily but missed partying with the waitresses

  8. 34m. 192 days without a drink.

    Didn’t realise how long I’d been drinking, and increasing drinking in that time. 7 years of 4 X 4% beers a day turned into 1l of vodka a night by the last two years and drinking it alone. Wasn’t getting hung over at all so didn’t feel the need to stop. It was the mental breakdown at new year that did it…well, being told I was so drunk I was throwing up and talking about some very serious problems I’d not been dealing with that had compounded and made me a social recluse compared to my former self, a public speaker who made frequent TV appearances.

    Did 4 months of therapy. Helped a bit. Did a small course of cubensis mushrooms and that helped a lot. I’m feeling and appear to others to be happier than my former self. No desire to drink or try and block things out, happier to face things head on and see things in a much more positive outlook even if it’s not the greatest situation. Less procrastination, more enjoyment in things.

    I’ve decided if I drink again I’ll brew my own wine.

    I’ve been out with people drinking and had no urge or desire nor feeling like I’m missing out. I’ve seen who around me does have an issue with drink now though. Who can’t go without a drink, who drinks more than they think/remember they do, the excuses they make and I reflect back on myself in these moments. Not afraid to talk to my friends about their use as I can see it’s not serving some of them.

  9. Yep beer causes me terrible reflux if I have too much now (or sometimes even 1 is enough). Basically I have to watch what else I’m having during the day if I’m planning on having beers later on. Overall not a terrible thing that I’ve cut back, probably healthier that I watch what I’m putting my body now.

  10. I drink a good amount less in my 30s than I did in my 20s, but I ‘m also doing less activities that involve beer — fewer sports tailgates or meeting friends at a bar. I do still drink at a barbecue or with dinner some nights, but it is 1 or 2, not 3-5 and it is less frequent.

    The gut isn’t a direct result of the light beer. Bud light isn’t that bad for you. But in your 30s, your metabolism does slow. And when you drink, you tend to also munch on chips and want to order pizza or have a hot dog and make other bad choices. Hangovers are more common, and going to the gym is harder. Reflux hits you.

    In short, I drink less. I still enjoy beer quite a bit, I still drink beer, just not as much.

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