What is your advice to Gen Z guys?

  1. Quit being sissies and always wanting the woman to make the first move. YOURE the man, you hunt for what you want. grab the balls God gave you, and take life by the fucking horns. Stop saying ‘I don’t want to be creepy ‘ it’s pathetic. Women don’t like men who lack confidence. Rejection happens to BOTH men and women. You are not unique

  2. You don’t have much error for financial mistakes or erroneous spending. You need to be frugal. If you’re going to college go to community college first. Learn to cook and do so for the majority of your meals. Cut back on drinking and smoking to save money. Save save save!

  3. Live as far below your means as possible while still maintaining a fulfilling life. Save the ypur discretionary scratch. You don‘t need to spend a bunch of money to have a good quality life. Society tells us we need all these things.

    Please participate in our democracy. Every election. Be informed and vote. The future is in your hands.

  4. Build good habits early in life. It’s the best time to do so. This includes exercise, eating, money, etc. But also, don’t let your world revolve around money. But you lot generally seem to be doing that, thankfully. I look forward to seeing you rise up

  5. Work on your body not for the sake of others but for yourself. Eat healthy and exercise. Staying in shape will not only help you short term but would work wonders for you when you are older.

  6. To stop asking for advice from strangers on the internet. There are a billion of these threads already out there, and nobody knows what they’re doing anyway.

  7. Be mindful of the future’s ecological landscape when you’re deciding where to live. I suggest working now to get a home in an area near the Great Lakes, if American.

  8. It’s gonna get a lot worse before it gets better. You were born at a bad time. Build a support network, men tend to be solitary but that’s not something that’s gonna work for you. There is no safe investment, there are no garuantees. Not for you. Yet there is safety in numbers. It’s never been as easy to get your fix of socializing online as it is today, but you need ofgline friends where you can crash when you get kicked out the house and who’s car you can borrow when yours breaks down.

    And they’ll rely on you in the same way at times.

    Don’t look at what we’re doing, don’t follow oir example, we were born in a different time and we got opportinities you won’t get.

    Tighten your belt and resole your shoes with iron.

  9. When you get older, don’t become like a lot of my fellow Xer’s have and bash on the kids. No, music wasn’t better when you were younger. No, the 80’s weren’t the height of American culture. No, kids today aren’t lazy or just want free shit. No, not knowing how to certain tasks like driving a stick shift is not a character flaw. This and so much more makes me ashamed my my generation at times.

    I would’ve thought we’d known better because all the same shit I see my fellow Xer’s complain about is the same EXACT shit that was said about us back in the day. Saw an old classmate of my who shared a pic of a popular singer who was dressed outrageously for their show proclaiming that society was screwed if this is who the kids today are listening to. So in reply, I threw up the pic to [this album](https://ultimateclassicrock.com/twisted-sister-stay-hungry/) and reminded them that THIS is who we listened and hand-banged to while throwing up “Devil horns”. \m/

    The grown-ups back then said the same shit about our music as they’re doing now. The lead singer was even dragged into Congress to testify about god damn music lyrics by the pearl clutchers even. Today, his top song of “We’re Not Gonna Take It” is a beloved classic and the god damn Ukrainians are using it as they fucking battle cry against Russian forces with Dee’s full approval. Leave the kids alone, they’ll be fine.

    Just remember that the world you grow up in will be different than that of your kids just as ours was from our parents. Things you think should be important very well won’t be to them. Times and tech changes and complaining about the kids is as old as written history itself. As I said, I’d thought my gen would know better.

  10. Get rid of your social media.

    Don’t go to college unless you need the degree. Other wise you’ll make more money by learning a trade.

  11. Learn how to accept everybody by the way they are, don’t try to shove down anybody’s throat your opinion because it’s okay to disagree and move on

  12. Trade school can be just as big a scam as normal college, you gotta have connections AND experience, if you are legit passionate about fixing cars, fixing AC units, working in construction, graduating a school won’t be enough. HAVE EXPERIENCE IN HAND.

    Toughen up, mentally, take insults, give insults, don’t be so sensitive, if you search deep down you will find that fortitude is in your nature more often then not.

    Be cultured, not just mainstream thug culture, i mean world culture.

    Expand your mind, don’t be one track minded about getting girls or material wealth, build character.

    Find a love of the classics, not just music and film but, of art and literature.

  13. The older generations don’t know wtf they’re talking about. There are no experts. About anything. You’re on your own.

    Help is not on the way.

  14. Millennial here. Nothing is more true in this world than “it’s not what you know but who you know” learn how to socialise with literally anyone. Everyone is interesting if you can ask the right questions and actually listen.

  15. Strive to be a “Renaissance man”. That is, have diverse interests. Learn about a wide variety of things – broad knowledge is one of the most underrated personality traits. Have a few things that you excel in, but don’t shun new knowledge because it’s “not in my area”.

    Along with this, *never* use your knowledge as a bludgeon against others. The fastest way to make someone give up on improving themself is to make them feel like the effort is stupid or futile.

    Lastly, learn to be politely naive. Unless you really need to stand your ground, it’s usually better to have polite ways of diffusing disagreements that don’t leave one participant feeling defeated. For example “oh, that’s interesting… I’ll have to look into that…”. This doesn’t admit that you’re wrong, but it offers the other person a face-saving way out of an argument that they probably (because you’re a Renaissance man now, remember?) losing but don’t want to admit.

  16. go outside without your phone every once in a while

    stop with those stupid birds nest haircuts

  17. thread is utter dross except for a few gems. only good advice is not to get advice from reddit

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