this is a bit of a weird one, but i wasn’t quite sure where else to ask. i’ve always wondered how people can casually walk up to famous people and ask for a selfie or an autograph, like the thought of doing that is terrifying to me. so what do you actually say if you see a celebrity in person and you want to ask them for a photo ??

the same kind of thing goes for photo ops at conventions and things, how do people ask the celeb they’re getting a photo with to do a particular pose? do you show them a photo or explain it to them?

  1. People have no sense of if the other person is uncomfortable I remember a video of Justin Bieber walking to his apartment and fans were under his house asking for hugs and he said he’s really uncomfortable and they still kept asking … they’re savages

    The only thing I had related to this is I went to the mall and a couple of really good/popular artists(husband and wife) on Instagram were just walking and they were just in front of me so I went to shake their hands and say that I love the work&they’re awesome and that’s about it

  2. Celebrities are also people, in flesh, bone and blood, just like you and me. some have achieved it the hard way, some have that celebrity status thrust upon them. nevertheless, they eat, breathe and shit, just like any one of us.

    approach them like you approach a friend, or even a stranger you look-forward to be acquaintances with, just for a brief moment. it’s not at all as risky and terrifying as you might think. so there you go, your fears and apprehensions are all in your head. it’s like learning to ride a bike, or learning to swim, as a kid. what if you fall, what if you drown ? all that fear and anxiety is only in the head. let go, and just approach them and speak to them.

    you don’t ask them to pose in a certain way, they know better, unless you really really have a very specific iconic-or-something-similar that you’d like to get in that selfie. i am fortunate that i’ve had a fair-share of celebrity run-ins. i’d first confirm their name, their iconic-celebrity status, introduce myself with my name, and then ask for a selfie. if they are busy with family, vacationing or something, they’ll politely refuse. if they are open about meeting a fan in public, they’ll be more than happy to let you get your selfie. every person loves to be loved, adored, looked-up to, idolized etc etc. try and keep the interaction brief. ask them if they’d love some company grabbing a snack, coffee, lunch, just one-drink etc. eitherways, again, they’ll either politely refuse, or they’ll oblige, and there you go.

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