Men, what’s made you instantly lose a ton of respect for a friend? Like to the extent you stop caring about the friendship.

  1. Cheatings a big one

    Biggest one though, old Roomate broke into my gun safe took one out and dry fired it at another friends head… moved out in a week, upgraded the safe, never spoke to em again.

  2. My “best” friend of 25 years decided it was ok to call my fiances son a homo and gay for dying his hair on mothers day to her moms favorite color, he was 11 years old. Havent spoken to him since, 6 years later.

  3. I realized a couple friends were two-faced people; smiling and agreeing with one group of people only to trash them behind their backs.

  4. * One guy got in to his girlfriend’s Facebook account and messaged guys he thought she’d fucked, pretending to be her in order to glean dirt.
    * Another guy told people he’d fucked my girlfriend immediately after we started going out. Literally no one believed him because he was a habitual liar, but she was still hurt and furious because they had been friends for years.
    * A girl made a move on her friend’s husband while staying at their place and when he shot her down she started screaming that he had tried to rape her. The wife came in and saw her standing there wearing nothing but a thong and him laying down on the couch wrapped up Ina blanket looking confused as fuck, and saw no such thing had happened, so the girl started crying and said she was really in love with the wife.

  5. He pulled a shotgun at me for cussing in front of his girlfriend and told me to get out.

  6. Making plans with me and then cancelling at the last second for the 4th time in a row.

  7. Been a serial cheat, abandoning their kid and not caring about those they supposedly love.

  8. I shared my insecurities with him and he used them to make fun of me. Bruh, fucking grow up.

  9. He fought to get his daughter back from foster care for years, finally got her, she and his girlfriend argued a lot (in the span of 14 days) so GF moved out and left him basically telling him “it’s me or her”. Her chose the GF and sent the daughter back to foster care

  10. When my best friend had an affair with my other best friend’s girlfriend and instead of being a normal person and just keep it a secret and let me have my suspicions, instead he told me and basically bragged about it to me and had no remorse. Like he was so cool for being a piece of shit.

    For context we were all best friends. I lost all respect for him after that.

  11. Wow all these crazy stories. I stop caring when that “friend” only reaches out to me when they need something. Like money, or moving.

    I once got so absurd with a friend over money I made him sign a contract over borrowing 300 bucks, it allowed me to remove a tire from his car if he didn’t pay me back. He did pay me back, it was late, but well I expected that. Well on a side note this dude’s ex girlfriend was a driver in a police chase in Los Angeles where her then current boyfriend was hanging out the window shooting at cops.

  12. Started hanging out with a dude who yells “n1993r” at black people he drives past and a pickup artist who was proud of the fact he fucked and impregnated his “best friend”‘s fiancee.

    “You become the average of the 5 people you spend the most time around” and I didn’t want to spend any time around those kinds of scum.

  13. I don’t know if it has anything to do with it, but I have a female friend (should I say, had?) who never texts me to see how I am, not a single damn message, I’m always the one to start the conversation. But if I don’t DM her for a long time, she gets angry and texts me angrily asking me if I have a problem with her.

    Now I’ve set a goal of not DMing her for the whole year unless it’s something super important, to see if she does anything, it’s not like I really care that much anyway, she’s a toxic person at the end of the day

  14. I found out that a good friend of mine I’ve known for years started mentally abusing his wife. Any illness his new born got would be automatically blamed on his wife getting the vaccine or using deodorant.. or drinking water which he thought had chemicals in it which changed dna.

    I also found out he used to order used shoes from women online and sniff them while jerking off.

    I stopped talking to the guy, fucking weirdo.

  15. Tale of two friends: Friend A I grew up with and was my best friend, Friend B I had met through Xbox live in 2011.

    A got into drugs, bad. Using and dealing. I’d go over to his place and he’d have people in and out of his house and by 24 was starting to get depressing. I had a kid at this point so admittedly I was just at a different point in life. Wasn’t using drugs myself so a bit out of touch.

    B moved to live nearby from out of state. Got a decent job and was very active in my home life. Started dating my wife’s best friend, played with my son a ton, things were great.

    One day when preparing for my son’s 5th birthday I was talking with A when the party came up. I mentioned we were doing a cookout and if he wanted to stop by he could. He laughed and asked “why would I want to go to a kids cookout? That sounds lame as hell.”

    B showed up and had a great time. Since then has been there for all birthday parties/major events. My son was a groomsman for B’s wedding (I the best man), with my 2nd son as the ring bearer. We see each other regularly. He’s a realtor and business owner and doing really well for himself.

    Caught up with A after a few years. He’s living alone on a college campus still doing drugs and working at a grocery store. In his early 30s. Bragging about his raise to $13/hr. Works, then smokes and plays minecraft.

    I might sound judgemental towards A but…I just can’t respect him anymore. We grew up together, went through hell together, and we ended up in different places. Not that he’s a bad person, but not the type of person I need in my life.

  16. Racism. I had no clue until he dropped the whole N-word and started making comparisons to animals.
    Instant distancing and avoidance.

  17. Close college buddy took ex wife’s side in my divorce – have no clue why- she was a bitch and dumped him as a friend when divorce was done.

  18. Great friend and even a roommate for a couple of years. Beat the living shit out of his wife (also a friend of mine). Drew the line in the sand that day and cut him off. Guy had the nerve to call me for bail.

  19. He was complaining about his dating life but the stories he told me were horrible about how he treated women.

    His last “girlfriend” was someone he was dating for a few weeks. Her dad happened to be in the hospital with terminal cancer, so it was a really rough time for her. He was complaining that they had been seeing each other for a few weeks already and they hadn’t yet had sex.

    He said that he doesn’t consider someone his girlfriend unless they are having sex, and since they hadn’t had sex she wasn’t his girlfriend yet.

    Then she wanted him to come to the hospital with her to meet her dad. She said he was dying and she wanted to bring him by to introduce him to her dad as his boyfriend.

    He said “well I’m not your BF because we haven’t had sex, so I won’t do it unless you want to have sex.” She didn’t want to so he said fine, I won’t go. She kept asking him to go to the hospital with her and he kept saying well, I’m not your BF unless we have sex and I’m not going if I’m not your BF.

    She eventually conceded and he said the sex was really boring and she just laid there and did nothing. She cried afterwards. He then said he wasn’t interested in being her boyfriend because she was terrible in bed.

    I was so appalled by his story that I forgot how words worked. I … just … can’t … even …

    I haven’t considered him a friend since that day.

  20. One of my best friends from jr high to our late 30s lost his dad after a long battle with cancer. I went to the funeral and he broke down and I gave him the biggest longest hug I’d ever given him before and I broke down, too. His wife told me he was fine all day and didn’t shed a single tear until he saw me. Hundreds of people were at this funeral, no exaggeration.

    Fast forward 9ish months and my dad died. I still haven’t heard a word from my friend about my dad’s passing. Not even a text. He’s also been cheating on his wife who herself has been battling breast cancer.

    Sometimes people you love turn out to not be that great. I’ve come to grips with it but I know that our friendship was one sided. Just took too long to learn that.

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