What are the steps that happen after placing a rape report? Is DNA necessary to be able to prosecute

  1. While DNA sure helps, even that is not irrefutable evidence, as the person can claim it was consensual. A full rape kit with proof of physical trauma can help, but not all victims have access to that, nor do all victims even have obvious physical trauma.

    Unfortunately, rape cases are notoriously hard to prove as the vast, vast majority have no evidence other than he said/she said. Short of something like video evidence of the victim screaming “no” and struggling, a lot comes down to who the jury finds more believable.

  2. This is going to depend a lot on where you live as the legal requirements and how to report will be very different in different areas of the world.

  3. I had to give a statement and had a rape kit done so I had DNA evidence. I was also barely alive afterwards and in the hospital when it was reported (nurses reported it for me). Even with the state i was in physically the police asked if it was consensual? I think they were just doing their jobs but wow what a question. Anyways, the police used the DNA and looked to see if they had matches but nope :/ and I didn’t know the man who did that to me other than that I saw him around my university after the fact. They escorted me around the school one day undercover so I could point him out if I saw him and they’d just ask some questions to figure out who he was but I never saw him that day. That was kinda the end of my case and I know even with DNA evidence that matches to someone, it’s not a guarantee but definitely helps. On the other hand though it is possible to prosecute without but just much harder

  4. Depending on where you live, you need to tell your story multiple times and then in court too. Cops should explain the proces to you when you press charges, they will also explain how getting a conviction is very rare (in the USA 6% I believe). Not to discourage you but to be honest about what you are facing.

    DNA isnt neccecary but it helps, it isnt a garanteed conviction if you have it. Rape cases are almost always a he said, she said trail and those are incredibly hard.

    There are lots of woman saying you should press charges when sexual assault/rape happens to protect other woman. That is bullshit, if you are being told that, just walk away. If you decide to press charges, you should do it for you and no one else. And if you decide not to press charges, just know you’re not weak or anything. It is a very hard, intimidating and painfull proces and only you can decide if you want to do it.

    I wish you the best and I hope this question doesnt relate to you personally!

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