okay so this guy ive been snapping said i was desperate after i complimented the way his friend looked at prom and i replied with ‘HAHAHAHA he looked good tho you cant lie’ and then he said the way i was acting was ’embarrassing’. what does this even mean lmaoo. ive been hella jokey abt the situation in hopes to lighten it but he sounds pissed af. help?? also, am i actually being desperate or what?

  1. Since when is complimenting someone desperate? Drop the subject if you want to keep talking to him but it’s very weird that he’s pissed about this, does he have a thing for you or is he just insecure?

  2. You know, you would probably be in your feefees if somebody you were talking to said your best friend had a sweet rack before they ever gave you a compliment, too.

    What did you gain by acting as though your attention can be immediately directed elsewhere? Lol. You gained perspective on why you shouldn’t do that if you think your attention is valuable. Poor thing.

  3. He’s in love with you bro and it annoyed him that you were talking about another dude. What the hell do you think it means?

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