How is your relationship with your father?

  1. Barely knew the guy. Spoke to him about a dozen times; every time he told me some ridiculous lie. Met him a handful of times; every time he couldn’t muster up what it takes to actually be a father.

    My brother (his oldest son) died a few years back and we were together for hours in the ICU waiting for the end… He didn’t even look at me; let alone say or do anything to make something good come out of the situation, even if it was just comforting the only son he had left.

    He died two years ago and I didn’t bother going to the funeral. Didn’t say a prayer or light a candle…

    I felt pretty much nothing and did pretty much nothing; because nothing is what you become if that’s what you put into a relationship with your kids.

  2. He beat my mum up we moved away, he dodged child support from then on, every time they caught up with him he went unemployed, he saw me once a year from 7 years old to 15 years old when I said enough is enough I see you no more. I gave him another chance at 18 years old and he proceeded to slag my mother off for not raising me right, I offered him a fight, he wasn’t up for it (I’m not hard but was super angry, he was scared though for some reason, probably as I’m not female) after that I didn’t speak to him until I was 34, I spoke to him twice as he was dying of cancer. He again slagged my mum off so I said I can’t be in this situation, he died later and I didn’t go to his funeral.

  3. Hes the reason why i live on my own, i try to like him but within a hour together i get irritated with hes behavior.

  4. Polar opposite of me, we are 100% sociably incompatible and cant have a single conversation without him getting heated and angry. In fact i cant even BE around him as everything i do triggers his medieval mind

  5. He was a naïve teenage boy messing around with a naïve teenage girl, both with zero self respect back then. Of course he got a kid, married a woman he didn’t love, had been as distant as possible for 14 years until he divorced my mom and immediately went to live on the other side of the planet just to give 2 word responses to the memes i send him once every few months.

  6. There’s no relationship to talk about. Haven’t seen the man in a decade, and he never really made an effort when I was a kid. He can die alone for all I care.

  7. My father and I are pretty much the same. We don’t talk a lot, eachother nor with other people, I know he loves me and I do hope he knows that I love him too. We don’t always live together because I am not often in my native town, but when I am usually I saw him with my mother too. We don’t speak about our problems, just about sports. Would do anything for him tho.

  8. He’s dead. Died when I was 30? I think?

    We never had a relationship. He was an absentee alcoholic. Didn’t attend the funeral/celebration of life thing. Some people in the family didn’t appreciate that. Doubly so for when my sister died, I’m sure.

  9. As a kid, we used to argue all the time, and he could be very strict and sometimes very rude to me. We are similar on multiple points, and it was hard to communicate at times because we’re both very stubborn. Now as an adult, who has moved out years ago, our relationship is great. We don’t talk often, mostly through my mom who texts me every day, but when I visit we chat a lot about life and stuff. I love my dad and respect him a lot!

  10. I have a solid relationship with my dad. I love my dad and look up to him. He taught me a lot of things that can be applied in my life today. I hope to be a great father like him in the future. Also he’s well respected by his peers and students!

  11. He’s a good dad and we get along well. The last few years Ive been able to see him for the very flawed man he is. Which definitely changes things but I still love him.

  12. Disappointing to say the least. We don’t share the same interests so he doesn’t even try and talk to me. I didn’t see him for 3 years somewhat due to Covid and somewhat due to him being selfish as shit and it was fantastic.

    Constantly giving unsolicited advice even though it’s horrifically wrong, I’m by far the most successful person in our whole extended family and he treats me like a moron.

  13. Good. we have no interests in common, But we love each other.

    And I will Email him the occasional funny meme I find on reddit.

  14. We have more bonding moments now that I’m older but I would still classify the relationship definitely as cordial. We just have very different personalities and want different things out of life. We don’t not get along, but we don’t get along if that makes sense

  15. Okay, I feel like I’m never living up to his standards in the having a stable career, raising a family aspect. But overall, it’s okay.

  16. My father died in combat when I was 6. He was wonderful and by all accounts everybody thought he was a great guy. His loss was a tragedy for my mother and the 3 kids he left behind.

  17. Couldn’t be better. He always has my back even if there’s not much he can do.

  18. October will be the tenth anniversary of his passing. We loved each other but a lot was left unsaid. He died suddenly and I never got closure. I think our best years were ahead of us and I wish he could see what I have become.

  19. He stayed in a loveless marriage to raise me, and passed away when I was 14.

    Having lived through both scenarios, I am eternally grateful to my Dad. He didn’t have to do it. In some ways, I wish he didn’t. He knew he was dying in his last months and he told me he wouldn’t have done what he did for anyone else.

  20. My dad is my safe parent. He was never very affectionate to me, but he is always steady and there for me when I need him. My mom has untreated mental illness that makes having a stable relationship with her damn near impossible, so having my dad be fairly normal has been a huge help. Idk how sad I’ll be when my mom passes, but I know I’ll be crushed when when he does.

  21. Fantastic. Love my dad. He is right next to me now. Every year my friend, cousin, brother and i take a man trip. This year we invited my dad and son who jyst turned 18. We went to taos ski valley and ar ed in Amarillo right now about to go to the canyon on our way back to dfw.

    My dad is retired and lives the outdoors so it was cool to see him enjoy the mountains and wildlife, churh in chimayo, and his reaction to the air bnbs. Even my son loved it.

    Sorry for the humble brag, but it has been amazing

  22. Fantastic, we had a bumpy patch during his divorce but it’s great now (Mother was narcissistic and manipulative) . He has PTSD from his service in the army , came back to his wife whoring herself out for fun with most of his friends, she took the majority of the money/property and custody in the divorce despite a long list of drug related charges. All of this and somehow managed to work himself up to a 6 figure job, full custody of all 6 of us and been a great dad at the same time . He is truly the most remarkable person I have and will ever meet . He has my respect , love and admiration to the fullest extent. We have a great bond and relationship.

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