Me (22F) and my boyfriend (22M) have been dating for the last 6ish months. I’m supposed to leave for grad school in another country in a few weeks. I had noticed that our texts were getting erratic, but I thought it was normal, until I realized that without my initiative, he hadn’t texted me for a week. We started talking again, but it was off. The last text he sent was more than a week ago. I sent him a text 3 days ago and I haven’t received a reply yet. I knoe he’s online because he keeps posting on Instagram. The weirdest part about it is I don’t really feel anything because I’ve kind of known that it would end. Most of our texts were sexual in nature and it seems like all he wanted from me was physical stuff, which I didn’t really like. Asking him what he wanted us to be just resulted in him cross questioning me about what I want and saying that he almost wants the same thing, which I DO NOT understand. So anyway, is this relationship dead? Wtf should I do now?


TLDR: I think my boyfriend is ghosting me and idk if this is even a relationship anymore.

  1. Sounds like he’s fading you yeah. This relationship is dead in the water. If I were you, for my own sanity, I would text dump him “officially” then focus on grad school. That would give me clarity on the state of things, which I think is better than a “wtf is going on” state.

    Could keep it simple, something like “Hey BF, I think we both know this relationship is over at this point. Wish you the best” then you can block him, no need to have a convo.

  2. So you guys didnt talk/see each other for a week, started a bit again resulting him not communicating, it does sound dead. Best to be the better person and end it for both sakes. Congrats for grad school

  3. Hi ***

    I did hope we would get to say goodbye and end things on good terms but since you’ve decided to ghost me that won’t be possible. I wish you the best in the future (and hopefully you grow up before your next relationship and learn to end things by communicating)

    The part in brackets I’d add but maybe it’s not for u

  4. To me it sounds like one of two things

    1: the guy likes you but fears that when you go off for school things won’t work so he’s “weening” himself off of you so it can end without it hurting to bad initially

    2: he just wanted the physical stuff like you said

  5. It’s only been 6 months, you’re very young, it was mostly physical, and you’re moving out of the country. So many good reasons for it to be over, go live your best life and focus on grad school. Good luck OP.

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