I have an above average penis but it doesn’t look that big between my big thighs,so iam curious if guys who lost alot of weight actually felt a difference down there.

  1. Losing weight won’t gain any size to your penis. But, because everything around it becomes smaller due to weight loss, it looks bigger.

    I’m just over 6 inches. Before my medications for depression and anxiety made me gain weight along with an injury that kept me from being physical for over two years, I was like 145# and it looked really impressive. NGL. Then at 290#, eh, not so much. Looks like 4.5 inches now.

  2. Yes, losing weight will uncover length that you previously thought wasn’t there. Some specific numbers for you: I, 6’1 tall, went from 280 to 200 pounds. Penis went from 5.5 inches to about 7 inches.

  3. It will do.

    I have 5.5-6 pressed down with the ruler. I have 5 or even 4.5 if I don’t press down.

  4. Yes. Although the size won’t actually change, getting rid of that abdominal fat will give you more room to work with.

  5. You also can collect fat at the pelvic area, so when that fat goes away, you just reveal more of your penis. Hence appears bigger.

  6. I went from 90kg to 85kg from lifting weights (i know it’s not much but I am barely in shape again) and “gained” 1 extra cm or so. I think not only fat loss but a better blood flow also helps to get the friend to be bigger.

  7. I read once that weight covers about .5” for every 50 pounds gained or lost. Though those numbers seem too clean to me, the gist is weight will cover up length for sure.

  8. Yes I was over 400 lbs. at one point I lost about an inch and gained it back when I lost the weight. Basically the area around the penis gains too much fat. So less penis length is usable.

    But technically the penis stays the same it just gets covered.

    So you gotta get super heavy for this to happen.

    Also penis looks large/ small compared to body or other body parts loose that. It’s just a way to pick on yourself.

    You get what you get learn to use and communicate well with partners. Focus on that. The thing we can control.

    Unless someone has a ton of fat around the pubic area this is a non issue.

  9. You have lost your dicky-do. Your belly now doesn’t stick out farther that your dickey-do. Sorry…Ill show myself out…lol

  10. Perhaps…..when you lose weight your belly shrinks you can now see all of your penis that was hidden by your big belly

  11. My husband has lost about 50 lbs in the past year by giving up alcohol combined with weight training and cardio. He looks fantastic, but yes I keep noticing that his dick looks bigger. I’ve mentioned it looks that way, and he can tell somewhat of a difference too. No measurements taken that I know of. Also the extra testosterone from working out keeps the sex drive thriving. We have to be careful he doesn’t go too deep because that can be very painful for me, but otherwise there are no complaints on my end! He looks and feels happy and healthy.

  12. It doesn’t make it physically bigger , it just uncovers some of the length that was being hidden by the excess fat . I’m not a guy btw , I’ve just had friends who experienced this .

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